necessary. If information is available and
pertinent to the message, include optional sets.
Conditional sets are EXER/OPER and
NARR/AMPN. When using optional sets, use
one set at a time. Never use optional sets
When using the REF (Reference) set, you should
use the AMPN or the NARR set. Use the AMPN
(Amplification) set if there is only one reference.
Use the NARR (Narrative) set when there are
multiple references. A reference may be a
meeting, conversation, document, letter, or
record message. Refer to the NTP 3 for the
appropriate message reference identifier.
Be careful when drafting the addressee portion
of naval messages. Your command should have
the Distributed Plain Language Address (PLA)
Verification System (DPVS) installed on all
computers that have the MTF Editor. DPVS
provides naval message originators with current
single and collective PLA information. PLAs
may also be found on the Internet. This
information ensures that messages are
transmitted to activities that are supposed to
receive them. If an addressee does not appear in
DPVS, verify the address. If your command
does not have DPVS, it is available from the
local Navy telecommunications center.
Copy all outgoing messages to a diskette for
delivery to the Navy telecommunications center.
Ensure that the diskette is properly marked with
the highest precedence of the content of the disk,
the name of your activity, and your telephone
number. Deliver a properly formatted disk that is
free of computer viruses.
Remember that a designated message releaser
should sign outgoing naval messages.
What document outlines detailed procedures for
preparing standard letters, memorandums, and
When preparing a standard letter, what rule of
thumb should you use for margins?
What element of the standard letter identifies the
sender, acts as a reference, and is used for filing
What type of correspondence is similar to a
standard letter, is transmitted through another
addressee before it reaches its final destination,
and is used to approve, disapprove, forward, or
comment on the contents of another document?
What form of correspondence provides an
informal means to communicate within an activity
or between Department of the Navy (DON)
What type of urgent correspondence is
transmitted through a Navv telecommunication
The release of naval messages is sometimes
restricted during an actual or simulated
emergency condition. What is this message
release restriction called?
When drafting a naval message and using the
NARR set, how many references must you use?
What system provides an originator of a naval
messages with access to current single and
collective plain language address information?
purpose of the Directive Issuance System.
Identify the types of directives, their
numbering system, and directive security
The directives issuance system provides a uniform
method for issuing directives by all naval activities. As
set forth in the Department of the Navy Directives
Issuance System, SECNAVINST 5215.1, the directive
issuance system contains two parts. Part I contains
Definitions, Criteria, and Responsibilities for issuing
directives. Part II contains Preparation and
Maintenance of Directives procedures. The directives
issuance system is used in conjunction with the
Department of the Navy File Maintenance Procedures
and Standard Subject Identification Codes (SSIC),
provides the Navy with a standardized file numbering
system to efficiently manage large volumes of
paperwork, so Navy personnel have the same filing
system from one activity to another. The file numbering
system is based on SSICs. SSICs indicate the subject
and may be used to identify the document for filing
purposes. The SSIC is also used when naval
correspondence is prepared.
In the directives issuance system, a directive is
defined as a written communication that prescribes or