need to check files out and take them back to their work
centers. When it is necessary to remove a file from the
office, a record should be made of the files
Local procedures normally dictate how files should
be checked or charged out. If a locally prescribed
form is available for use, the form should include
identification to identify the removed file, the date of
removal, and the person to whom the file was released.
If local procedures require that a record of removal be
retained after return of a removed file, the date of return
should also be recorded. Charge-out records should be
checked periodically to note whether materials have
been charged out for an excessive amount of time.
What method of correspondence transmission is
an alternative to the U. S. Postal system and
allows users to send an exact copy of a document?
What type of codes provides a method of filing,
identifying, and retrieving documents quickly and
consistently and is found in SECNAVINST
reports management system.
Every aircraft maintenance department regularly
submits various reports. These reports are important
lines of communication that help keep the department
operating as an effective naval unit and as a part of a
coordinated Navy team. Unless care and judgment are
exercised, however, reports can increase in number and
complexity until the burden they create outweighs their
usefulness. Therefore, the Navy has devised a reports
management program, whose purpose is to accomplish
the following:
Eliminate and prevent unnecessary or duplicate
Ensure that instructions, forms, and procedures
for necessary reporting is on hand, and that they
provide the most simple and direct methods of
Ensure that the contents of required reports
provide adequate data for intended purposes,
and that reporting intervals/deadlines are
Provide central reference points for information
regarding reports
The responsibility for managing the reports of a
department or squadron is usually assigned as a
collateral duty to an officer. In large aircraft
maintenance activities, this officer is the administration
officer; in smaller units, it is the assistant maintenance
officer. Overall responsibilities are outlined in the
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST
4790.2. An AZ is usually assigned to assist, as directed,
with report management procedures. In a small activity
where the officer may have many other responsibilities,
the AZ may be expected to handle some of the
procedures with little supervision.
The maintenance administration division is
responsible for maintaining a tickler file of reports that
have a recurring reporting requirement. Recurring
reports are reports that must be regularly submitted,
usually within a specified period such as weekly,
quarterly, or by the 5th working day of a particular
reporting period. The report tickler file is a master list
of all reports that are required by your activity. The
tickler file helps to ensure that reports are prepared
correctly and well in advance of their due dates.
A reports tickler file alerts cognizant personnel of
required reports and report due dates to allow sufficient
time for preparation and submission before the actual
due date. Local procedures will again dictate
procedures for establishing and maintaining a tickler
file. Some activities use 3 x 5 file cards to track
recurring reports that originate in the maintenance
office. Other activities may use computers to track
these reports. The following basic information should
be included in a reports tickler file system:
Type of report
Form number to be used, if applicable
Due out date of report
Address of the office to which the report will be
SSIC of the directive that requires the report, if
A listing of divisions or work centers from
which reporting information must be obtained