If using 3 × 5 cards, sort them by frequency of the
report and arrange in chronological order. Then file
these cards in a 3 × 5 file box or drawer in the exact
chronological order in which they become due. If
desired, use tabbed dividers to divide the file into
monthly segments. Arrange cards so that they will
reach the front of the file a certain number of days
before the report is due out. Check the tickler file daily.
As reports are completed and months pass, place the
cards and dividers toward the rear of the box or file.
Q24. What tool does the maintenance administration
division use to track recurring report
training programs.
Training is a continuing evolution that began with
your initial enlistment and will continue throughout
your naval career. Training is accomplished in many
different formats. Regardless of the training format
used, training should be performed in a sequential
manner. Initial training consists of basic, prerequisite
information that should lay the groundwork for future,
more complex training. For example, the training you
received in AZ A school centered on basic
knowledge and skills that were required for entry-level
job performance. The training you received on aircraft
logbooks was designed to serve as an introductory tool
to familiarize you with aircraft and equipment record
keeping procedures. The intent of the training was to
enable you to perform basic functions, such as making
logbook entries and extracting information. The initial
training on aircraft logbooks is not designed nor is it
capable of teaching you everything you need to know
about aircraft logbooks.
Maintenance training is critical to the overall
readiness of the Naval Establishment. How well you do
your job is directly related to the type and quality of
training you have received. As such, training will make
up a significant portion of your work week. Training is
generally a command responsibility, but some types of
training should be performed on your own. Below are
some training terms that you should become familiar
On-the-job-training (OJT). OJT is training
that is received during actual performance of a
daily maintenance task, and under the
supervision of experienced personnel. The
fundamental reasoning behind OJT is learning
by doing. OJT may be scheduled or
Formal Training. Formal training uses lectures
and lesson guides and may be supplemented by
visual aids. Formal training is usually
Computer-Based Training (CBT) and
Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI).
CPT and IMI are terms that are used to describe
training delivered electronically by using
computers. Some CBT and IMI programs allow
student-computer interaction.
A and C Schools. A schools provide the
basic job entry-level knowledge and skills. C
schools provide more advanced training than do
A schools. Upon completion of some C
schools, a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC)
code may be awarded. NECs are awarded when
a certain level of proficiency is demonstrated in
a particular job. Proficiency in the performance
of the job trained for is usually a requirement for
the awarding of NECs.
For example, there currently are three NECs that
apply to the AZ rating as follows:
6301Enhanced Comprehensive Asset Man-
agement System (ECAMS) for naval air main-
tenance training groups (NAMTRAGRUs)
6314Naval Aviation Logistics Command
Management Information System (NAL-
COMIS) Data Base Administrator/Analyst for I
6315NALCOMIS Systems Administrator/
Analyst for I Level
Fleet aviation specialized operational training groups
(FASOTRAGRUs) provide advanced operational and
tactical training on specific weapons systems and in
aviation maintenance administration and management.
NAMTRAGRUs provide advanced training in the
repair, operation, and maintenance of weapons systems
and in maintenance administration and management.
Q25. What type of training is conducted during the
actual performance of maintenance task?
Before you start to work in the maintenance
administration division, you should know the names
and rates or rank of everyone in the office.