stores loading manuals provide standardized weaponssystem release and control checks as well as loading,arming, and safing procedures for weapons systems.Tactical ManualsTactical manuals define aircraft operationalparameters as well as weapons and stores clearances.They also state combat capabilities andCNO-authorized limitations.Q1. What type of publication contains a schedule offorced removal items and their replacementintervals and a record of applicable technicaldirectives?Q2. What type of publication covers minimum dailyinspection requirements for servicing and theperformance of special and conditionalinspections?TECHNICAL MANUAL NUMBERINGSYSTEMSLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recognize thetwo technical manual numbering systems thatare used within the Naval Establishment.The structure of numerical and alphabeticalcombinations of a NAVAIR technical manual numberidentifies the basic equipment category, main groupswithin the category, specific item of equipment, type ofusage, type or model designation, and specific type ofmanual.There are two numbering systems presently in useby NAVAIR: the older NAVAIR publication num-bering system and the newer Technical ManualIdentification Numbering System (TMINS). You mustbe able to use both numbering systems.NAVAIR PUBLICATION NUMBERINGSYSTEMThe NAVAIR manual publication number consistsof a prefix (NAVAIR or NA for NAVAIRSYSCOM)that designates the command responsible fordeveloping or maintaining the manual. The manualnumber consists of three parts, separated by dashes (-).Additional numbers may be added to show multiplevolumes of a manual.Part I of the publication number is the category.Normally it is a two-digit number (in some cases twodigits and a letter). It designates the major category ofthe manual; for example, 00 tells you that this is ageneral manual; 01 is for airframes, 02 is for powerplants. Refer to Naval Air Systems CommandTechnical Manual Program, NAVAIR 00-250-100, fora complete breakdown of publication numberingcategories.Part II of the publication number is made up ofnumbers (or numbers and letters). They identify eithera basic aircraft model, the manufacturer, or the specificclass, group, or subcategory of the manual. Forexample, in figure 3-1, the number F14AAA in view Aidentifies the aircraft model. In view D, 75PACidentifies Lockheed as the manufacturer of the P-3Cairframe.Part III of the publication number usuallyidentifies a particular type of manual. For example, -1identifies the NATOPS flight manual, -2 themaintenance instruction manual, -3 the structural repairmanual, and -4 the illustrated parts breakdown.Additional numbers may be used to show systemgrouping breakout by volume or subsystem groupingby subvolume. For example, in the number -2-2, thesecond -2 indicates the second volume of amaintenance manual. In the number -2-2.1, the .1indicates a subvolume within the grouping.Figure 3-1 shows examples of technical manualnumber assignments.TECHNICAL MANUAL IDENTIFICATIONNUMBERING SYSTEM (TMINS)The TMINS numbering system is part of the effortto standardize technical manual numbers for all ships,aircraft, and equipment. Navy Standard TechnicalManual Identification Numbering System, NAV-AIRINST 4160.1, establishes the TMINS foraeronautic publications. The TMINS provides a singleuser-oriented numbering and indexing system. It meetsthe requirements of all systems commands foridentifying, referencing, and requisitioning technicalmanuals and changes. The system also makes it easierto identify and order manuals for the operating forcesand other users. It is compatible with automatic dataprocessing (ADP) procedures. The OPNAV Applica-tion Guide and Index, OPNAV N0000-00-1DX-000/TMINS, should be available in your technical library.By using this guide and index, you will be able tounderstand and use the TMINS.The TMINS assigns each technical manual aunique identifying alphanumeric designation patternedafter the 13-digit National Stock Number (NSN); forexample, A1-F18AA-NFM-500. It serves as the3-3
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