The maintenance administration division of an
organizational maintenance department maintains a
master paper or electronic message board of current
messages with annotations of the action that was
A computer has three componentsan input
device (keyboard, mouse), an output device (printer,
monitor), and a central processing unit (CPU).
Word-processing computer software uses a
wraparound feature instead of the automatic return of
an electric typewriter.
The Department of the Navy (DON) Information
SECNAV Security Program (ISP) Regulation,
SECNAVINST 5510.36, governs the handling,
storage, and transmission of classified material. There
are three classifications of classified materialTop
Secret, Secret, and Confidential. The commanding
officer is responsible for safeguarding classified
material in his or her command. The U.S. Postal
Service should not be used to transmit Top Secret
material; Top-Secret material should be transmitted by
cleared military personnel, DOD contractors, Defense
Courier Service (DCS), or encrypted for electronic
transmission. Secret matter may be transmitted by
Registered Mail of the U.S. Postal Service.
Confidential matter may be transmitted by First Class
Mail of the U.S. Postal Service as long as the mail does
not pass out of U.S. control. Secret and Confidential
material may be transmitted by the methods that are
authorized for Top-Secret material.
The Department of the Navy Correspondence
Manual, SECNAVINST 5216.5, gives procedures for
preparing standard letters, memorandums, and
endorsements. The standard letter requires l-inch
margins on all sides. The identification symbol of a
standard letter identifies the sender, acts as a reference,
and is used for filing purposes. The endorsement is
similar to a standard letter, is transmitted through
another addressee before it reaches its final destination,
and is used to approve, disapprove, forward, or
comment on the contents of another document. The
memorandum is an informal means to communicate
within an activity or between Navy activities.
A naval message is urgent correspondence that is
transmitted through a Navy telecommunication center.
Minim ize is a release restriction to restrict the release of
the least urgent messages during an actual or simulated
emergency condition. When the NARR set from the
Message Text Format (MTF) Editor is used, a naval
message must have two or more references. The
Distributed Plain Language Address (PLA)
Verification System (DPVS), which is used with the
MTF Editor, gives originators of naval messages access
to plain language address information.
The directive issuance system provides naval
activities with a uniform method of issuing directives.
Directives are used to establish policy, organization,
conduct, methods, or procedure. The two types of
directives that are used in the directives issuance
system are instructions and notices. A directive with a
C before a directive number indicates that the
directive is classified Confidential. A directive with an
"S" before a directive number indicates the directive is
classified Secret. A directive without a letter before the
directive number is an unclassified directive.
A facsimile machine or fax is an alternative to U.S.
Postal Service transmission of a document. Users can
send an exact copy of a document by using a fax.
The Standard Subject Identification Codes (SSICs)
provide a method for filing, identifying, and retrieving
a document. SSICs are found in the Department of the
Navy File Maintenance Procedures and Standard
Subject Identification Codes (SSIC), SECNAVINST
5216.11. The maintenance administration division uses
a reports tickler file to tracked recurring report
On-the-job training is conducted during actual
performance of a maintenance task.
The tasks that you will perform as a maintenance
administration worker are in direct support of the
maintenance departments maintenance effort.
Depending on the activity to which you are assigned,
your job may include other tasks, such as personnel
evaluation and award recommendation preparation.
Whatever your duties entail, remember that most of the
correspondence that you will be tasked with will be
transmitted outside of your immediate command. An
activitys level of professionalism is often measured by
the quality of work of an activitys maintenance
administration division, with correspondence as an
indicator of quality. As such, the work that you do will
reflect directly on the Navy, your command, and you.