Work Unit Code (WUC) Manuals
Work Unit Code manuals provide a listing of
assigned alphanumeric codes for identification of
systems or equipment. WUCs are used to report and
record maintenance information for use in a database.
Planned Maintenance System (PMS) Publications
PMS publications provide a basis for planning,
scheduling, and complying with scheduled
maintenance requirements. These maintenance
requirements are scheduled at intervals based on daily
or weekly intervals, flight time, operating hours, or
number of cycles or events. The following are PMS
Periodic maintenance information cards
service period adjustment (ASPA) manuals
Turnaround checklists
In instances where conflicts exist between PMS
publications and other directives, the PMS publication
takes precedence.
TION CARD (PMIC).Periodic maintenance in-
formation cards (PMICs) contain scheduled or forced
removal items and their replacement intervals, record
of applicable technical directives, maintenance
requirements system index by system, and a
conditional inspection listing.
manuals cover the minimum daily inspections
requirements and servicing and the performance of
special inspection and conditional inspections.
lications are prepared to support inspection of exterior
and interior aircraft surfaces in an abbreviated
walk-around order. Checklists cover those items that
are necessary to determine obvious defects that may
have occurred during each flight.
Structural Repair Manuals
Structural repair manuals contain specialized
repair information required by maintenance personnel
to determine the extent of structural damage and
instructions for performing a permanent or onetime
flight repair.
Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) Listings
The IPB provides system, subsystem, and
individual parts identification, applicability, and
source, maintenance, and recoverability (SM&R)
codes. Coverage is normally contained in separate
manuals or in a special section of the maintenance
manual. An IPB assists maintenance and supply
personnel. They can use the IPB to identify,
requisition, issue, and store parts that are required for
maintenance support of aircraft, weapons systems,
equipments, components, and support equipment.
Weight and Balance Manuals
These manuals provide a standard system for a
continuous record of basic weight, balance, and loading
data for certain aircraft.
Operational manuals contain a description of
weapon systems along with instruction for their
effective use. Operational manuals include Naval Air
Training and Operating Procedures Standardization
(NATOPS), weapons loading manuals, and tactical
manuals. They contain descriptions of weapons
systems and systems integration. Operational manuals
also contain operating instructions, operational
applications, safety procedures, and emergency
procedures for weapons systems.
NATOPS Manuals
NATOPS manuals define methods and procedures
for conducting operational tasks or exercises.
NATOPS manuals are specifically prepared in support
of aircrew personnel. NATOPS manuals provide
standardized ground and flight operational procedures,
training requirements, and other operational
information of a technical nature. The data is tailored
to particular models of aircraft in accordance with
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) directives and with
the assistance of aircraft model managers.
Airborne Weapons Loading Lists, Stores
Loading Lists, and Stores Reliability Cards
These manuals are specifically prepared for use by
squadron ordnance personnel. Airborne weapons and