used to identify different volumes, parts, and
changes to specific TMs. For NAVAIR TMs,
these numbers range from 00 through 99. In the
example shown in figure 3-2, the TM serial
number is 50. This stands for a Pilots Pocket
The third group of the TM identifier is the TM
issue and is either a number (0 to 9) or a single
letter. The number 0 indicates the TM is a basic
issue or revision. The letters A through Z
(except I and 0) designate (in alphabetical
sequence) permanent changes or rapid action
changes (RACs).
PI Suffix Composition
The PI suffix has a variable composition,
depending upon whether or not the TM has a security
classification. For classified TMs, the PI suffix is
always used, and the security classification indicator
forms the first component of the suffix. The security
classification indicator is always three characters (a
letter enclosed in parentheses). The entire suffix can
contain up to 17 characters, if required.
In figure 3-2, you can see that the PI suffix is not
required. Therefore, the TMINS number
A1-F18AC-NFM-500 stands for the initial or revised
edition of a Pilots Pocket Checklist supplement to the
NATOPS manual of an F/A-18 aircraft. In-depth
information can be found in the OPNAV
N0000-00-IDX-000/TMINS publication.
Q3. What are the two technical publication number-
ing systems that are used within the Navy?.
Q4. What technical publication numbering system is
patterned after the 13-digit national stock
sections of and describe the purpose of the
Naval Aeronautic Publications Index (NAPI).
All aeronautic publications, changes, technical
directives (TDs), Navy departmental directives, and
forms under the cognizance of NAVAIRSYSCOM and
distributed by Naval Air Technical Data and
Engineering Service Command (NATEC) are
catalogued in the Naval Aeronautic Publications Index
(NAPI). Normally, the central technical publication
library (CTPL) in the quality assurance division should
maintain a complete NAPI. The NAPI consists of six
sections to make identifying, locating, and ordering
specific publications easier. The six sections of the
NAPI are also critical in the management, audit, and
verification of the CTPL. Each section contains its own
introduction as to the purpose or function of the section
and the specific instructions on how to use that
particular index. The six sections that presently make
up the NAPI are as follows:
NAVSUP PUB 2002, Navy Stock List of
Publications, Forms, and Directives
NAVAIR Technical Manuals and Technical
Directives Distribution Listing
NAVAIR 00-500A, Equipment Applicability
NAVAIR 00-500C, Directives Application List
NAVAIR 00-500SE, Support Equipment
NAVAIR 01-700, Airborne Weapons Stores
Publication Index
Distributed three times a year, the Navy Stock List
of Publications, Forms, and Directives, NAVSUP PUB
2002, is the primary index for requisitioning Navy
publications, forms, technical directives, and
departmental directives from the Defense Distribution
Depot Susquehanna Pennsylvania (DDSP). The
NAVSUP PUB 2002 is issued in compact disk read
only memory (CD-ROM) format. Each new edition of
NAVSUP PUB 2002 supersedes the previous edition.
NAVAIR Technical Manuals and Technical
Directives Distribution Listing
The NAVAIR Technical Manuals and Technical
Directives Distribution Listing lists all NAVAIR
publications and technical directives that were
distributed by the automatic distribution system during
a specified time. This publication is also one of the
primary tools that is used to conduct annual audits on
the CTPL. This listing is issued quarterly.
This publication has two sections. Section 1 lists
NAVAIR technical manuals and section 2 lists
NAVAIR technical directives. This publication
identifies technical manual and technical directive
number, type of issue, level of maintenance, title stock