DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMANDWASHINGTON, D.C. 20361-0419PMA(F)223ISSUE DATE: 15 July 1992RESCISSION DATE: 31 December 1999DISTRIBUTIONSSTATEMENTC. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractorsto protect publications required for official use or for administrative or operational purposes only, 15 July1992. Other requests for the document shall be referred to Commanding Officer, Naval Air TechnicalServices Facility, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5097.DESTRUCTIONNOTICE.For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will preventdisclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.P-3 AIRFRAME CHANGE NO. 523(TDC 50)SUBJECT:Avionics, OK-620/APQ Control-Indicator Group as a replacement for the AN/APA-125Indicator Group in P-3B aircraft; installation of (WUC 72160)REFERENCES:(a) NAVAVNDEPOT Alameda ECP No. AL-772 of 20 Oct 1989(b) CNO Washington DC 282325Z of Jul 1989(c) NAVAIRSYSCOM ACCB No. 901-269R1 approved 23 May 1991(d) Installation Data Package - 91030039 (0GCL4)ENCLOSURES:Not applicable.DOCUMENTATIONAFFECTED:1. NAVAIR 01-75PAA-0Technical Documentation List, P-3A,1 Nov 1988P-3B and P-3C Aircraft2. NAVAIR 01-75AA-115 Nov 1983Chg 3 15 Jun 1987NATOPS Flight Manual, P-3A and P-3BAircraft3. NAVAIR 01-75PAA-1.115 Nov 1983NATOPS Flight Manual, NFO/AlRCREW, P-3Aand P-3B AircraftChg 3 15 Jan 1987015001AZf0303Figure 3-3.—Example of a formal change TD.3-9
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