A CTPL librarian should not duplicate a TD, but he
or she must maintain positive control. To do this, the
librarian should annotate page 1 of the master copy of
the TD as to the location of other copies of the TD.
When the TD is returned, the CTPL librarian should
dispose of it in accordance with local procedures and
annotate the master copy as to its location and status.
Upon receipt of the Weekly Summary of Issued
Technical Directives, the CTPL librarian should review
the summary for TDs that have been issued and are
required to be acted upon by his or her activity but have
not been received. After verifying and resolving any
discrepancies in this summary, the librarian retains the
summary for reference as well as for use during the
audit of the CTPL.
TDs are requisitioned in accordance with
procedures outlined in NAVAIR 00-25-100, Work
Package (WP) 017 00. Formal or hard copy TDs are
stored at Defense Distribution Depot Susquehanna
Pennsylvania. TDs stored at this depot are
stock-numbered items and are listed in NAVSUP PUB
2002. NAVSUP PUB 2002 contains the information to
identify and requisition individual TDs. To requisition
TDs, you should use one of the military standard
requisition and issue procedure (MILSTRIP) methods.
The technical publication library (TPL) is a
centrally managed function under the quality assurance
division of an aviation maintenance department. Based
on activity organization, there are normally two types
of libraries within an aviation maintenance
organization. If more than one library is required to
meet the needs of an aviation maintenance department,
a central library is established to manage the overall
distribution of technical information. When one library
is designated as the central library, all other libraries are
designated as dispersed libraries. Dispersed libraries
are located in individual work centers and are
responsible for storing and making available to their
users the technical documents for the equipment under
their cognizance. The central library is responsible for
the initial outfitting of the dispersed libraries.
Additionally, all requests for additional publications
are made through the central library. You should refer
to Naval Air Systems Command Technical Manual
Program, NAVAIR 00-25-100, and the Naval Air
Technical Data and Engineering Service Command
(NATEC) Technical Publication Library (TPL)
If a TD cannot be obtained from NATEC, another
squadron, or a supporting IMA, request the TD from
cognizant wing via message with the aircraft
controlling custodian, type commander, and support
equipment controlling authority (ACC/TYCOM/
SECA) as information addressees.
program for detailed technical library establishment
and operating procedures.
Q7. What document is used to direct the accomplish-
ment and recording of modifications and onetime
inspections of weapon systems?
Network-capable, menu-driven TPL computer
software tracks current manuals, changes, and
The NATEC technical publication library (TPL)
program is used in Navy activities to manage the
Technical Publication Library program
Q8. What type of change should be used to cancel an
existing technical directive?
Q9. After amendment C has been applied to a tech-
nical directive, what action must occur if the TD
is to be further changed?
Q1O. What process is used to remove a technical dir-
ective (TD) from the active files?
Q11. What information summary contains a weekly list
of technical directives (TDs) that have been
revisions for the central technical publication library
(CTPL) and dispersed libraries. The TPL program
software provides for updating the automatic
distribution requirements listing (ADRL), maintaining
a dead file of publications no longer held in the CTPL,
printing change entry certification records (CECRs),
and maintaining a CECR tickler file. Detailed
operating instructions are contained in Library
Operating Procedures in the main menu of the TPL
program and in NAVAIR 00-25-100. Where directions
between the TPL program and NAVAIR 00-25-100
purpose of the technical publication library.
Describe procedures to establish a technical
publication library. Describe the methods used
to requisition and establish automatic
distribution of publications.
conflict, the TPL program takes precedence.