Miscellaneous field listinglists all manuals
with data in the MISC field in alphanumeric
Quantities of manuals by workcenteris an
AUDIT 2002 listing that lists each copy of
each manual in the activity with NAVAIR
number, date, change number, change date,
work center, and location.
ADRL Requirements Submission
The ADRL Requirements Submission option (fig.
3-9) places all your NAVAIR or Air Force technical
manual requirements on a diskette for submission to
NATEC (NAVAIR) or the appropriate Air Force
activity. The program also generates the transmittal
form for your ADRL request when you may need to
mail the file. If you have modem or Internet capability,
you should transmit your NAVAIR ADRL file to
NATEC via the Streamlined Automated Logistics
Transmission System (SALTS) or Internet.
Toolbox Utility
The Toolbox Utility option (fig. 3-10) lets you print
CECRs; list outstanding or all issued CECRs, print a
tickler file listing, view the dead file, print a list of daily
requirements, or order manuals via modem, message,
or by diskette submission.
A newly commissioned or reactivated activity must
request initial outfitting of general and specific
technical manuals. This is done by submitting a request
to NATEC. Activities submit initial outfitting
requirements by using the automated TPL program.
The request includes the type of manuals required.
These manuals include general publications and
specific publications for a particular aircraft, missile,
and engine in the inventory of the activity. An initial
outfitting request should be specific and should include
the following information:
This program calculates the number of copies per manual you need by
counting each copy. When you control manuals where all copies are not
in your database, then your automatic distribution quantity can be
wrong in the ADRI report. Examples of this would include such manuals
as the functional checkflight checklists, which are consumable, or NATOPS
manuals, which are normally maintained by the NATOPS department. To adjust
for this situation you can indicate the correct distribution quantity
in the remarks field of the first copy of the manual. To do this,
insert a plus sign (+) as the FIRST character in the remarks field,
immediately followed by a 3 digit quantity for instance, +050 would
indicate a quantity of 50. REMEMBER: the + sign in the remarks is only a
workaround for unusual situations, normal procedure is to have one record
in your database for each copy of the manual you manage.
NOTE: You can still place any additional information in the remarks
field following the quantity without a problem.
Would you like to continue?
Figure 3-9.TPL program ADRL requirements submission initial screen.