A current copy of the Complete Listing of
Copy of outstanding and completed change
entry certification records (CECRs)
What minimum information must appear on the
technical publication library (TPL) stamp?
What does the transaction file show about a
central technical publication library (CTPL)?
methods used to update technical publications.
Modern aviation technology is constantly
changing. What is considered to be the latest word
today may be modified, totally revised, or otherwise
made obsolete tomorrow. This condition is not always
planned or intended, but it must be accepted and dealt
with. The degree of urgency of updating publications
depends upon the type of information involved and the
frequency of reference to the affected directives or
The two methods used to update technical manuals
are revisions and changes.
A revision is a complete reissue of an existing
document with all change information incorporated.
Normally, when a change or changes affect over 60
percent of a publications pages, a revision is issued. A
revision is also issued when the manual usability is
impaired because of change complexity. The revision
of a manual requires an evaluation of technical manual
condition, both physical and technical, and the release
of a completely new edition of the manual. Revisions
are prepared on a nonscheduled, as required basis. All
manuals are reviewed periodically (at least once a year)
to determine requirements for reissue. Revisions direct
the supersedure and disposal of the revised document.
A technical manual change is the official release of
correction pages to a part or portion of an existing
document. A change provides replacement pages for
that area of the manual affected by a change action.
This approach provides both an economical and
expedient method of issuing new or correct material to
the user. Upon receipt, you should remove the
superseded pages and insert the new material. This
action is required for paper manuals only.
Changes to original manuals are issued as two basic
typesroutine changes and RACs. Routine changes
are released periodically. A RAC is an expedited
change action that is programmed for short turnaround
and release time because of its relationship to safety,
equipment damage, or danger to personnel.
Routine Manual Changes
A routine manual change is partial manual
updating action that is issued as a corrective insert page
(or pages) to an existing technical manual (printed
manuals only). A routine manual change provides the
user with information concerning a change in
configuration, maintenance concept, or procedure.
Rapid Action Changes (RACs)
A RAC is prepared to disseminate urgent essential
data that directly involves hazards to personnel, an
impairment to safety of flight, aircraft grounding,
mission capability, equipment or property damage, or
maintenance capability, including that for high value
and repairable items. There are two types of RACs
interim and formal.
An interim rapid action change (IRAC) is prepared
in naval message format. IRACs should be maintained
with the affected technical manual until the formal
change is received and should be placed directly behind
the title page of the manual. Formal RACs are prepared
as replacements for IRACs. Formal RACs are prepared
in the same style and format as the technical manual
being changed.
When an IRAC is received, annotate the specific
publication page to which the IRAC applies by drawing
a vertical line in the margin opposite the affected text.
The vertical line should extend for the length of the
affected text. The IRAC number and the date-time-
group of the IRAC message should also be annotated
near the affected text. After making the appropriate
annotation on the affected page. or pages, place a copy
of the IRAC directly behind the title page of the
applicable publication until you receive the formal
RAC. To help manage IRACs, NATEC issues an IRAC
Tracker that lists IRACs that were issued during the
previous month. Upon receipt of a new IRAC Tracker,
the CTPL librarian should perform a verification to
ensure that the IRACs that should have been received
were actually received.
Formal RACs should be incorporated into the
applicable manual immediately after receipt. When
incorporating a formal RAC, verify previously issued