Activity - Computerized Self Evaluation Checklist (CSEC)
VFA-999 using NAVY Service Type Setting
Work Center Audit Checklist
Work Center: 020, Maintenance/Production Control
Organizational Maintenance Level
1907 C
1908 C
1910 C
1911 C
1912 C
1913 C
1914 C
1919 C
1920 C
1923 C
1925 C
1927 C
1928 C
1929 C
1939 C
Are manuals arranged alpha-numerically by NAVAIR publication numbers? Refs.
OPNAVINST4790.2G, vol. 1, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 022 00, par. 13 and
fig. 1
Is a locally procured stamp which includes the activity, copy number, and location used on
each publication? Refs. OPNAVINST 4790.2G, vol.I, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100,
WP 020 00, par. 25
Are MRC decks stored in appropriate containers in alpha-numerical order? Refs.
OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 020 00, par. 40 d
Do MRC decks have QAR/CDQAR/CDI functions correctly annotated? Ref. OPNAVINST
4790.2G, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 e(1)(c)
Are local MRC numbers correctly entered on the MRC deck "A" Card (List of Effective
Cards), or on a separate 5 x 8 card formatted like the "A" card? Ref. OPNAVINST
4790.26, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 e(2)(b)
Are applicable SCCs adjusted (annotated) as necessary? Ref. OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. I,
par. 14.8.1 e(5)
Are local MRCs printed on NAVAIR 4790/3 (Rev 10/90), and is all required information
correct? Ref. OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 e(2)(b)
Are changes, revisions, IRACs/RACs correctly incorporated into manuals? Refs.
OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol.1, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 007 00
Are NAVAIR publications, manuals, and technical directives current and readily accessible
to work center personnel? Ref. OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. I, pars. 14.8.1 b and 15.8
Are audits/inventories on dispersed libraries conducted: quarterly; when a new Work Center
Supervisor is assigned; when a new Dispersed Librarian is assigned? Refs. OPNAVINST
4790.2G, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 023 00, pars. 2 and 3
Does the Central Librarian provide training and assistance to both the Work Center
Supervisors and the dispersed librarians? Refs. OPNAVINST 4790.2G, vol. I, par. 14.8.1
and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 022 00, par. 3
Do dispersed libraries have a visible, readily accessible list of publications and their
location? Refs. OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP
022 00, par. 5
Is the Dispersed Librarian incorporating changes into publications in the required time
frames? Refs. OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 020
00, par. 51 b and d
Do work center publications require reordering (damaged, missing changes, etc.)? Refs.
OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. I, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 023 00, par. 7 f
Are work centers returning copies of TDs to the CTPL upon task completion? Refs.
OPNAVINST 4790.26, vol. 1, par. 14.8.1 and NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 023 00, par. 7 e(2)
Figure 3-14.Computerized self-evaluation checklist (CSEC).