contained in NATOPS General Flight and Operating
Instructions, OPNAVINST 3710.7.
Maintenance technicians who use the publications
in the performance of their daily work will discover
most technical publication deficiencies. However, as
an AZ, you may occasionally discover an error in
quality or content in a technical publication. The
deficiency may not be limited to a typographical error
and may include technically inaccurate or other
erroneous information. If you find such an error, you
should report it no matter how trivial it may seem. What
you think is only a simple misprint may have serious
Category 1 (CAT 1) TPDR
A CAT 1 TPDR should be submitted whenever a
technical publication deficiency is detected which, if
not corrected, could result in death or injury to
personnel, or damage to an aircraft, equipment, or
facilities. Submit for a CAT 1 TPDR by priority naval
message within 24 hours of discovery of the deficiency.
Validity/incorporation notification will be accom-
plished within 1 working day after receipt.
Category 2 (CAT 2) TPDR
Use a CAT 2 TPDR for a routine deficiency in a
technical publication. Routine deficiencies include
technical errors, incorrect measurement values,
improper use of support equipment, wrong sequence of
adjustments, wrong measurements, part number errors
or omissions, and microfilm deficiencies, such as poor
film quality. To report a CAT 2 TPDR with the TPL
program, select the TPDR function from the View/Edit
screen. An electronic transmission of a CAT 2 TPDR
significantly reduces submission and response times.
Benefits include automatic acknowledgement of
receipt, status, reporting capability, and validity/
incorporation notification. You can also submit a CAT
2 TPDR by forwarding a Technical Publications
Deficiency Report, OPNAV 4790.66 form. Validity/
incorporation notification will be accomplished within
10 working days after receipt when you forward an
OPNAV 4790/66.
NOTE: A CAT 1 TPDR message or CAT 2 TPDR
should not be used as justification to make a
pen-and-ink change to a NAVAIR technical
publication under any circumstance. Physical alteration
of technical content in a NAVAIR technical
publication, including pen-and-ink correction, is not
Q31. What program establishes requirements for
reporting substandard workmanship, deficiencies
in material and technical publications, and
improper quality assurance procedures?
Q32. What report should be used to report
discrepancies in new or newly reworked aviation
Q33. What report should be used to report
discrepancies in an aviation technical
publication that include incorrect part numbers
or incorrect operating procedures?
What form is used to report deficiencies in
NATOPS manuals?
Q35. What report should be submitted to report a
deficiency in an aviation technical publication
that, if not corrected, could result in death or
injury to personnel?
Q36. A category 2 technical publication deficiency
report (CAT 2 TPDR) should be used to report
what type of technical publication deficiency?
Q37. A valid category 1 technical publication
deficiency report (CAT 1 TPDR) or category 2
technical publication deficiency report (CAT 2
TPDR) may be used to alter the technical content
of NAVAIR technical publications. (True or
A periodic maintenance information card (PMIC)
is a Planned Maintenance System publication that
contains information such as a schedule for a forced
removal item, an item replacement interval
requirement, and a record of the applicable technical
directives for a system. A maintenance requirements
card (MRC) contains the minimum daily inspection
requirement for servicing or the requirements for
You will work with two publication-numbering
systems that are used within the Navy to identify
technical publicationsan older Navy (NAVAIR)
Technical Manual Numbering System and the current
numbering system, the Technical Manual
Identification Numbering System (TMINS). TMINS is
patterned after the 13-digit national stock number.
The Navy Stock List of Publications, Forms, and
Directives, NAVSUP PUB P2002, contains the
information needed to order Navy publications, forms,