Q1.Q2.Q3.What work center in an organizational main-tenance activity acts as the nerve center for allmaintenance actions within an activity?What officer is responsible for the overall produc-tion effort and material support of a maintenancedepartment?What automated management information system(MIS) provides a Navy aviation maintenanceactivity with the information to aid in theday-to-day management of maintenance forassigned aircraft and equipment?PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEMLEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify thepurpose of the Planned Maintenance System(PMS). Identify the purpose of referencepublications that are used in the PlannedMaintenance System (PMS). Define thedifferent types of aircraft and equipmentinspections. Identify authorized deviations foraircraft inspections.The Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is aprogram to ensure that aircraft and aeronauticalequipment are maintained throughout their service life.This is done by controlling the degradation that iscaused by time, use, climatic exposure (weather), andoperational cycles. The PMS has the followingpurposes:Simplify complex maintenance tasksProvide a readily manageable maintenanceprogramFacilitate the scheduling and controlling ofmaintenance actionsProvide a means to detect impending equipmentfailuresFacilitate an effective quality assurance (QA)processForecast and plan manpower and materialrequirementsThe PMS program consists of a series of scheduledmaintenance requirements and inspections that areperformed on aeronautical equipment, includingaircraft, in accordance with prescribed PMSpublications.PMS PUBLICATIONSAn activity’s effective use of PMS publications andadherence to their policies and procedures is critical tomaintaining aircraft and equipment in a high state ofreadiness through preventive maintenance. Preventivemaintenance refers to the servicing and care that isrequired to maintain aircraft and equipment insatisfactory operating condition. Preventivemaintenance is accomplished primarily throughsystematic aircraft and equipment inspection to detectand correct impending failures before they occur ordevelop into major defects.The Naval Air Systems Command(NAVAIRSYSCOM) issues scheduled maintenancerequirements by publishing PMS publications for everymodel of Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. PMSpublications prescribe the following:Standardized procedures for Navy and MarineCorps aviation maintenance activitiesThe planning, scheduling, and performance ofthe scheduled maintenance tasks for aircraft andaeronautical equipmentBasic PMS publications include the following:Maintenance requirements cards (MRCs)Periodic maintenance information cards(PMICs)Sequence control cards (SCCs)ChecklistsRevisions to PMS publications are based on thedata that is collected from maintenance experience withaircraft. NAVAIRSYSCOM publishes these revisionsat intervals to add, delete, or change maintenancerequirements.Maintenance Requirements CardsPrescribed maintenance requirements publicationsare presented to maintenance personnel in the form ofmaintenance requirements cards (MRCs), shown infigure 4-1. Usually, a set of cards is provided for eachaircraft model or equipment. For each type ofscheduled inspection, one set of MRCs is provided. Allof the minimum requirements for the accomplishmentof any particular scheduled maintenance task, orportion thereof, are contained in these cards.4-2
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