MRCs are the working documents for squadron
aircraft and equipment inspections and preventive
maintenance actions. These 5- by 8-inch cards specify
the tasks that relate to a particular system, subsystem,
area, or component and state a logical sequence to
accomplish the tasks. MRCs identify the recommended
rating that is needed to perform the task, the
performance interval, and the work area or the work
zone involved. Assembled into sets and numbered in
sequence, the cards contain pertinent information that
maintenance personnel require to complete each task.
Data for each task includes the following
information: description; approximate time that is
required to perform the task; whether power, tools,
equipment, or material is needed; and information on
such items as pressures and torque values. Also
included, when necessary, is a diagram of the affected
area in which the work is to be accomplished.
A master file copy of current MRCs should be
maintained within the maintenance department. This
master file copy reflects revisions to the published card
sets and additional local requirements. Local periodic
maintenance requirements for equipment that is not
covered by published MRC sets should be added as
specified in the NAMP.
When an aircraft undergoes an inspection, MRCs
are given to the maintenance person in the specified
order of the cards. Certification of completion of the
work is not made on the MRC cards; therefore, the
cards are used until they are worn out. Before a set of
cards is issued, the check crew supervisor should check
each card against the master file set to ensure that the
set of cards is complete and current.
Periodic Maintenance Information Cards
Periodic maintenance information cards (fig. 4-2)
are decks of cards that refer to the maintenance of
aeronautical equipment and aircraft. The cards support
maintenance actions and cite, when necessary,
requirements for documentation and operating limits.
PMIC decks contain the following information:
Requirements for items that have approved
mandatory removal and replacement intervals as
well as requirements that require special
monitoring with emphasis on failure trends. The
card cites the component or assembly removal
and replacement schedule, Equipment History
Record (EHR), Scheduled Removal Component
(SRC) card; Assembly Service Record (ASR),
or Module Service Record (MSR) that contains
the requirement.
Airframe structural life limits.
Maintenance requirements system index that
lists, by Work Unit Code (WUC), the system
and the MRC number of the requirement to be
Conditional inspection listing that contains a
brief description of the condition, type
inspections to be performed, and a reference to
the manual or directive that contains the detailed
Phase change implementation card that provides
a list of requirements to be performed to
maintain the required inspection interval of
critical components when an update changes the
order of inspections.
NOTE: NALCOMIS OMA allows users to input,
update, and delete maintenance requirement card
information for special, phase, and conditional aircraft
and engine inspections. This information provides
pertinent information that is required to print inspection
control and look phase MAFs. The QA work center
verifies that MRC information is added or updated in
the NALCOMIS database as changes occur to MRC
Sequence Control Cards (SCCs)
Sequence control cards (SCCs) are graphic,
sequential work displays. They help ensure the orderly
planning and timely performance of aircraft and engine
maintenance requirements. SCCs integrate all required
periodic maintenance work to reduce the total
out-of-service time that is required to complete
unscheduled and scheduled maintenance jobs.
SCCs are used to control the assignment of work
and personnel. SCCs provide the following
Specific MRCs to be complied with
Number of personnel and rating specialty that
are required to complete the tasks
Estimated task completion times
Whether POWER/AIR OFF or ON conditions
are required during tasks
Affected areas where work will be performed