Table 4-2.Scheduled Aeronautical Equipment and Aircraft Inspections
To inspect part of a total maintenance
At intervals that divide the total
requirement. All components that have a
maintenance requirement into small
Scheduled Removal Component (SRC)
packages (phases) of approximately
card, Equipment History Record (EHR),
the same work content. Each phase
Assembly Service Record (ASR), Module
is accomplished sequentially at
Service Record (MSR), Parachute Record,
specified intervals. The completion of
Seat Survival Kit Record, Aircrew System
all required phases at their specified
Records, or Aircrew Personal Equipment
interval completes the phase
Record are inventoried.
inspection cycle. Cycle is repetitive
for the service life of the aircraft and
is not interrupted during SDLM.
To inspect aircraft or aeronautical
At a prescribed interval other than
equipment that requires inspection based daily or phase as specified in the
on elapsed calendar time, flight hours,
applicable PMS publication.
operating hours, or number of cycles or
events. For example:
Every 7, 14, or 28 days,
50,100, or 200 hours,
10 or 100 arrestments, or
5,000 rounds fired, and so forth.
Aircraft Service
To evaluate an aircrafts general material
As directed by Policies and Peace-
Adjustment (ASPA)
condition. A depot-level conditional
time Planning Factors Governing the
maintenance action that is performed by
Use of Naval Aircraft, OPNAVINST
certified ASPA evaluators and consists of
3130.11. OPNAVINST 3130.11
record and logbook analysis and a physical
requires an ASPA evaluation between
examination of the aircraft. Results in one
6 months prior to and 3 months after
of the following recommendations:
the PED of ASPA aircraft. The
The aircraft period end date (PED) or
3-month window after the PED can
operating service months (OSM) be
only be allowed when no depot-level
adjusted 12 months (or equipment flight
structural life-limited items will
hours) beyond the current PED or 18
expire during that period.
OSM from the date of the ASPA
inspection, whichever is less.
The aircraft be inducted for rework or
preservation not later than 90 days after
the current PED.
The aircraft be immediately inducted
into rework and its service tour
150-flight-hour inspection interval and due for
inspection may be performed as early as 135
flight hours or as late as 165 flight hours. The
next scheduled inspection is due at 300 flight
hours. This authorized deviation requires no
logbook entry.
NOTE: A plus 10 percent extension is not
accumulated its assigned operating hours or for a
structural life-limited component that has reached its
basic life limit.
After the plus 3 days or 10 percent deviation has
been applied and expired, the aircraft is restricted from
further flight operations (downed) until completion of
the subject inspection.
authorized for a low cycle fatigue item that has