If it becomes necessary to accomplish an
inspection earlier than the authorized deviation, the
next inspection is due based on the date, hour, cycle, or
event that the inspection began. In this case, a logbook
entry is required on the Miscellaneous/History record.
If it is necessary to exceed the deviations to
scheduled inspections because of priority operational
commitments, a request should be submitted to the
cognizant wing, carrier air wing, or aircraft controlling
custodian (ACC). If this type of deviation is authorized,
the next inspection is scheduled as if NO deviations had
occurred, and a Miscellaneous/History logbook entry
should be made.
To assist aircraft operating activities in preventing
aircraft inspection deviation exceedances, an
Inspections Near Due function is available to
NALCOMIS OMA users. The Inspections Near Due
function allows users to query the NALCOMIS
database about scheduled aircraft inspections that are
within the ±3 days or ±10 percent window and to
initiate the appropriate inspection documents.
What program is designed to ensure that aircraft
and aeronautical equipment is maintained
throughout its service life by controlling
What type of publication provides the basis for
planning, scheduling, and performing scheduled
maintenance tasks?
What type of PMS publication includes the
minimum requirements for the accomplishment of
a scheduled maintenance task?
What type of PMS publication contains
mandatory removal and replacement intervals for
components and assemblies and a conditional
inspection listing?
What type of PMS publication provides
abbreviated instructions for the accomplishment
of a turnaround inspection?
Provided no flight takes place and no
maintenance other than servicing is performed,
for what maximum time are daily inspections
What (a) aircraft logbook page and (b)
aeronautical equipment service record pages
should be verified for accuracy during aircraft
acceptance inspections?
What type of inspection is required as a result of a
specific overlimit condition or as a result of a
circumstance or event that creates an
administrative requirement for an inspection?-
Hard landing, engine overspeed, and engine
overtemp are all examples of what type of
What type of aircraft evaluation is required
between 6 months prior to or 3 months after the
period end date of ASPA aircraft?
What type of inspection has a prescribed interval
other than daily or phase and is based on elapsed
calendar days, flight hours, operating hours,
cycles, or events?
What deviation may be applied to inspections
performed in increments of calendar days?
A phase inspection is due at 100 flight hours. This
inspection may be performed as early as what
number of flight hours without having to readjust
the next phase due flight hours?
An inspection is scheduled at 100 flight hours, but
the inspection is performed early at 80 flight
hours. After completion of the subject inspection,
when is the next 100-hour inspection due?
An inspection based on flight hours is performed
earlier than the 10 percent authorized deviation.
In this instance, what aircraft logbook record
requires an entry?
documents that provide data to the
Maintenance Data System. Define the purpose
of the maintenance action form (MAF).
Identify the types of maintenance actions that
are documented on the maintenance action
form (MAF). Identify terms, data fields, and
codes that are used on the maintenance action
form (MAF). Identify maintenance action form
(MAF) initiation and completion procedures
in organizational maintenance activities
(OMAs). Define the purpose of the Naval
Aircraft Flight Record (NAVFLIR). Identify
reports that are used in the Naval Aircraft
Flight Reporting Subsystem (NAVFLIRS).
Useful management information such as scheduled
and unscheduled aircraft inspections, technical
directive compliance, material usage, and aircraft flight
data are documented on forms that are called source
documents. Source documents include the