document maintenance actions, refer to the Appendix
of the NACOMIS End User Manual.
TYPE MAF CODES.Type MAF codes are
two-digit codes that identify the type of maintenance
action that is being initiated. For example, AC is used
for an Acceptance Inspection Control MAF, DM for a
Discrepancy Maintenance Action, and WR for Work
Request Maintenance Action.
JOB STATUS CODES.Job status codes
indicate the status of a MAF during the repair cycle.
Examples of Job Status codes include IW for in work,
JC for a job complete status, and WP for an awaiting
parts situation that indicates that work has been stopped
due to a lack of parts or material.
Tasks are plain language descriptions of functions that
are performed within NALCOMIS. A task ID code is
an abbreviation that describes the task. For example,
the assignment of a job control number (JCN) by
maintenance control is a task. The Task ID
(abbreviation) code for assignment of a JCN by
maintenance control is MCMAFAPP. In another
example, the Task ID code for a MAF signed-off by
logs and records personnel is LOGRECSO. Assigned
by the system administrator, Task IDs are linked to
Special Maintenance Qualification codes.
TION (SMQ CODES).An SMQ code, assigned to a
user, is linked to a Task ID to indicate that the user may
perform a specific task. When a NALCOMIS OMA
user is assigned an SMQ, the user may perform those
tasks that are associated with the appropriate Task ID.
In the example above, an AZ who has a Task ID of
LOGRESCO (logs and records MAF sign-off) might
have an SMQ code of LRSIG (logs and records
signature). This indicates that the AZ is authorized to
perform the tasks of screening MAFs for required
aircraft logbook entries and signing the Entries
Required Signature block of the MAF.
collects and processes flight-related data. This data
may be shared with other subsystems. For example,
flight hours that are reported into this subsystem
directly affect the Maintenance Subsystem and the
Logs and Records Subsystem. Some inspections and
component removal intervals are based on flight hours
that are reported in the system.
nance subsystem collects and processes maintenance
data. The maintenance subsystem allows the user to
initiate, update, complete, and query MAFs.
subsystem maintains configuration profiles on aircraft,
equipment, engines, propellers, and components that
are assigned to a squadron.
subsystem allows the data analyst to review, correct,
and approve naval flight records and maintenance
records (NAVFLIRs, MAFs, and so forth) before and
after the records are submitted for AV3M and
NAVFLIR processing.
allows the user to select, execute, and submit reports for
printing. Typical maintenance reports available include
the Aircraft Material Status Report, Scheduled
Inspection Report, Aircraft Phase Inspection Report,
and the Work Center Work Load Report. Reports that
are available through the Reports Subsystem include
the Life Limited Components Inventory Report,
Component Removal Due Report, the Component Near
Due Report, the Installed Explosive Device Report, and
the Technical Directive Outstanding Report. Some of
these reports are generated upon acceptance and
transfer of aircraft to aid in the verification of aircraft
logbooks. For a complete list of available reports, refer
to the NALCOMIS End Users Manual.
ASSET SUBSYSTEM.This subsystem is an
inventory tool that tracks assets other than
aircraft-related assets. These assets include support
equipment (SE), Aviation Life Support Systems
(ALSS), and Individual Material Readiness List
(IMRL) equipment.
Types of MAFs
There are two types of MAFs in usethe two-part
and the five-part MAF. The type you use will depend
on whether your activity is operating under
NALCOMIS. The two-part MAF, used by
NALCOMIS operating activities, is initiated and
printed electronically. The five-part MAF is used
primarily by non-NALCOMIS operating activities.
Five-part MAFs are available through the Navy supply
system. The use of the five-part MAF is NOT limited to
non-NALCOMIS activities. The five-part MAF may be
used in NALCOMIS operating activities during
periods of system downtime or during backfit