REPAIR CYCLE fields. Include the RECEIVED,IN WORK, and COMPLETED blocks.Received blocks—The Julian date and time thedegradation of the aircraft’s missiondiscrepancy was reported, along with theappropriate equipment operational capability(EOC) code (if applicable) that describes thecapability. NALCOMIS automaticallygenerates the received date and time blocksupon initiation of a MAF.In Work blocks—The Julian date and time thatwork was begun on the discrepancy, and theproper EOC.Completed blocks—The Julian date and the timethe repair action was completed.AWAITING MAINTENANCE field. Contains theawaiting maintenance (AWM) hours and reason codesfor SCIR-related maintenance actions. This fieldshould be completed at the end of the maintenanceaction or upon MAF close out. The order ofsignificance is determined by local policy.MAINTENANCE/SUPPLY RECORD. Contains arecord of job status, date, time, and the EOC.NALCOMIS tracks all awaiting maintenance andsupply time.Job Status—Alpha character prefix for any changein job status. The alpha characters M(maintenance) and S (supply) are used. Theprefix S is used when maintenance is halteddue to awaiting parts. The prefix M is used toindicate the end of an AWP status or change inmission capability.Date—The Julian date when the S or M situationbegins.Time—The time when the S or M situation begins.EOC—A three-character alphanumeric code that,(1) identifies the degree of degradation tomission capability, and (2) identifies thesystem responsible for the degradation. TheEOC describes the degradation to the aircraft’smission capability. These entries apply toSCIR-related discrepancies only.REMOVED/OLD ITEM fields. Completed when arepairable component or part is removed from an enditem or other major component on which work is beingperformed. The commercial and government entity(CAGE) code for the manufacturer (MFGR), the serialnumber, and the part number (or lot number for aircraftcartridges, cartridge-actuated devices, or aircrewescape propulsion devices) are entered. If the partnumber is more than 15 characters, the last 15 areentered. If the serial number is more than 10 characters,the last 10 are entered. The time or cycle, preceded byan alpha character (time and cycle prefix code), foundin an appendix in the NAMP, is entered. For warrantyitems, the second time or cycle field is followed by a W.The W is followed by four digits to indicate the lengthof the warranty period.INSTALLED/NEW ITEM fields. Completedwhen a repairable component and/or part is installed onan end item or other major component on which work isbeing performed. The CAGE code, the serial number,and the part number (or lot number for aircraftcartridges, cartridge-actuated devices, or aircrewescape propulsion devices) are entered. If the partnumber is more than 15 characters, the last 15 areentered. If the serial number is more than 10 characters,the last 10 are entered. The time or cycle is entered. Thetime or cycle is preceded by an alpha character (timeand cycle prefix codes can be found in an appendix inthe NAMP). If the item is under warranty, a W isentered. This W is followed by four digits to indicatethe length of the warranty period.DISCREPANCY block. Contains a narrativedescription of what’s wrong with the aircraft orequipment.PILOT/INITIATOR block. Contains the name andrank or rate of the individual who originates adiscrepancy.CORRECTIVE ACTION block. Contains anarrative description of the action taken to correct adiscrepancy.CF REQ block. An X is entered if a check flight isrequired after completion of the maintenance action.QA REQ block. An X is entered if the maintenanceaction requires a quality assurance representative(QAR) inspection. (Not applicable to a collateral dutyinspection.)CORRECTED BY block. Contains the signatureand rate of the maintenance technician who performedthe maintenance action. Signatures are posted to MAFsvia NALCOMIS’ electronic signature windows. Thetechnician signs by logging in with his or herauthorized password and posting his or her electronicsignature.4-17
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