menu (fig. 4-7) gives you the option to select what type
of MAF you want to initiate. Options include:
unscheduled maintenance MAFs, inspection MAFs, fix
phase MAFs initiation, and onetime inspection MAFs.
Examples of unscheduled MAFs are Discrepancy,
Technical Directive Compliance, and Work Request.
For our example, you should select Unscheduled
Once you select Unscheduled Maintenance option,
enter the TYPE MAF (TM) code, modex (side
number), and type equipment code (TEC), if required.
From this point, NALCOMIS will prompt you for the
other information that is required. Select ADD, and
complete the data fields that are required. The TYPE
TIME, and MCN are system generated. You will also
enter the work center that is assigned to the
discrepancy, the initiator of the MAE, and Up or Down
in the status field.
Maintenance control will review your MAF input
for correctness. Once maintenance control approves the
MAF, a JCN is system generated, and two copies of the
MAF are printed. You place one copy of the MAF on
the right side of the aircraft discrepancy book (ADB)
where it will remain for as long as the discrepancy
remains outstanding. You route the second copy of the
MAF to the work center. An the electronic copy of the
MAF is stored in the NALCOMIS database. The
electronic copy of the MAF can be easily retrieved and
completed by work center personnel via the work
centers video display terminal workstation. The
complete NALCOMIS OMA MAF Initiation Cycle
(electronic and paper) is shown in figure 4-8.
NOTE: The work center should report each
change in aircraft status, such as in work status,
awaiting maintenance status, or awaiting parts status, to
maintenance control immediately by an update through
When corrective action of the discrepancy has been
completed, the work center completes its portion of the
MAF by entering the COMPLETION DATE and
TIME, MAN-HOURS, EOC, and other information
that is prompted by the video display screen.
Maintenance control completes its portion of the MAF
by retrieving the discrepancy MAF by using either the
MAFs MCN or JCN. When maintenance control
approves the MAF, two copies of the completed MAF
are printed. You place one copy on the left side of the
ADB, where it must remain for 10 subsequent flights.
You discard the original outstanding copy of the MAF
from the right side of the ADB.
Once the discrepancy MAF is completed and
signed off by maintenance control personnel, the MAF
is stored in the NALCOMIS database, where it will be
processed online. After the MAF is screened for
logbook entries, the activitys analyst will screen the
MAF online for correctness and will either (1) approve
and store the MAF in the NALCOMIS database for
processing later at a data services facility or (2) reject
the MAF and return the MAF to the work center for
correction. Figure 4-9 shows the NALCOMIS OMA
MAF completion cycle.
Figure 4-7.NALCOMIS OMA initiate maintenance action menu screen.