INSPECTED BY block. Contains the signature
and rate of the quality assurance representative (QAR)
or collateral duty inspector (CDI) who inspected the job
for proper standards. Signatures are posted upon entry
of an authorized log in and password.
SUPERVISOR block. Contains the signature and
rate of the work center supervisor (or his or her
assistant) that indicates screening has been performed
on the MAP and that the QA and tool control programs
have been complied with. This field is accessed and
completed through NALCOMIS electronic signature
window upon entry of an authorized log in and
Contains the signature and rate of the maintenance
control person who clears the discrepancy.
NALCOMIS will electronically post the maintenance
controllers name via the electronic MAF signature
window upon entry of an authorized log in and
JOB CONTROL NUMBER field. Contains a 9-,
10-, or 11-digit alphanumeric code that identifies each
individual maintenance action. The job control number
is system generated upon initiation of some
maintenance actions when NALCOMIS is used. The
job control number is made up an organization code, a
numeric Julian day, a serial number, and a suffix.
ORG codeA three-character code that identifies
the organization that originally assigned the
job control number to the maintenance action.
In the case of a maintenance action that is being
performed on transient aircraft (Navy or
non-Navy), the action organization code of the
reporting custodian is always entered in block
A08. For subcustody support equipment or
support equipment in the custody of another
department that requires repair by an IMA, the
job control number that is assigned should
reflect the organization code of the IMA.
DayThe three-character numeric Julian day that
specifies the day of the year. This day should
reflect the day the job control number is
assigned to the maintenance action, not
necessarily the day work began on the
maintenance action. For example, 9329 is the
329th day of 1999, or 25 November 1999.
When used on the MAF as part of the job
control number, the first position that identifies
the year is omitted.
SER (serial number)The serial number is either a
three-character number that runs from 001 to
999 (assigned in sequence) or an alphanumeric
three-character code, such as A00 and A01.
A00 and A01 are job control number serial
numbers that designate the Look and the
Fix portions of a scheduled inspection,
SUF (suffix)The suffix is an alphanumeric code
that is added to the basic job control number. A
suffix identifies a subassembly or
sub-subassembly (component within a
component) repair action that is performed
independently of a major repair action.
WK CTR (WORK CENTER) block. Contains the
three-digit code of the work center that performs the
maintenance action.
STATUS (UP OR DOWN) block. Describes the
status of the aircraft or equipment. If the discrepancy
disables the aircraft or equipment, the aircraft or
equipment is down (D). If the discrepancy does not
make the aircraft or equipment totally inoperable, the
aircraft or equipment is up (U).
MODEX block. Usually contains the three-digit
side number of the aircraft.
PRI block. Used by IMAs to assign workload
TURN-IN DOCUMENT block. Contains the
Julian date and requisition document number on which
the specific item was ordered from the failed/required
material field to assist in local supply control. The
Turn-In Document field is automatically assigned by
SYSTEM/REASON block. Contains a brief
description of the reported discrepancy.
Contains a serial number that is assigned to each
maintenance action. The MCN is system generated
NALCOMIS Organizational Maintenance
Activity (OMA) MAF Initiation Procedures
NALCOMIS assists maintenance managers to
control the maintenance effort. NALCOMIS uses video
display terminal workstations in maintenance control
and material control and in work centers to
communicate information on the maintenance effort.
Maintenance technicians, work center supervisors,