technical directives (IDs), and Department of the Navy
directives from Defense Distribution Depot
The Equipment Applicability List, NAVAIR
00-500C, lists publications that pertain to particular
aircraft systems, aircraft components, or specific
A technical directive (TD) directs modification or
onetime inspection of a weapons system or equipment.
The TD also requires supporting documentation that
the modification or onetime inspection was
accomplished. An amendment can modify or cancel an
existing TD. After amendments A, B, and C to a TD
have been issued, a revision must be issued. The
Weekly Summary of Issued Technical Directives lists
TDs that have been issued.
The quality assurance (QA) division at an aviation
maintenance activity manages the technical publication
library (TPL) program. When more than one TPL is
needed at an activity, one library becomes the central
technical publication library (CTPL), and the other
libraries become dispersed TPLs that are supported by
the CTPL. The Naval Air Systems Command Technical
Manual Program, NAVAIR 00-25-100, and the Naval
Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Command
(NATEC) Technical Publication Library (TPL)
program govern the management of TPLs for aviation
maintenance activities. A request for initial outfitting
for a TPL is sent to NATEC. NATEC carries out
automatic distribution of technical publications to a
maintenance activity. Automatic distribution is
facilitated by the use of the automatic distribution
requirements listing (ADRL) for the activity that lists
publications for which automatic distribution to the
activity is required. When a change in the automatic
distribution of a technical publication for an activity is
needed, the CTPL of the activity sends an updated
A page change is the only approved method for
making an individual change to a technical publication.
The CTPL uses the Change Entry Certification Record
(CECR) to ensure that a change or revision to technical
publication, issued to a dispersed library, has been
entered into a publication. The CTPL removes part 1 of
the CECR from the CECR tickler file after the
dispersed library enters the change into a technical
manual. The minimum information on a technical
publication library stamp includes the name of the
activity, the copy number, and the location of the
publication. The transaction file of a CTPL reflects the
current working status of the CTPL.
When over 60 percent of a technical publication is
affected by changes, a revision of the publication is
issued. Page A (list of effective pages) of a technical
manual lists all pages that are affected by past and
present changes.
An interim rapid action change (IRAC)
disseminates urgent essential data to change technical
information in a technical manual. IRACs should be
incorporated in a manual within 2 working days. An
IRAC, later to be replaced by a formal rapid action
change (RAC), is placed behind the title page of the
affected publication after the changes application has
been annotated on the master copy. The IRAC Tracker
should be used to verify that all IRACs have been
The Department of the Navy (DON) Information
Security Program (ISP), SECNAVINST 5510.36, is
the basic Navy directive that applies to classified
information, including classified publications in a TPL.
The QA division audits the CTPL annually. The
CTPL librarian conducts quarterly audits of dispersed
libraries in the work centers.
The Aviation Maintenance Discrepancy Reporting
Program (NAMDRP) is used to report substandard
workmanship, an improper quality assurance
procedure, or a material or technical publication
deficiency. The quality deficiency report (QDR) under
NAMDRP furnishes information on a deficiency in
new or rework material. The technical publication
deficiency report (TPDR) under NAMDRP documents
a technical publication discrepancy, such as incorrect
artwork or an incorrect and missing part number. A
category 1 (CAT 1) TPDR reports by message a
discrepancy that, if uncorrected, could result in death of
injury to personnel. A CAT 2 TPDR reports a routine
deficiency in a publication. A CAT 1 TPDR or a
CAT 2 TPDR is not authority to alter a technical
pub1ication in any way.
A deficiency in a tactical publication is reported by
submitting the NATOPS/Tactical Change Recom-
mendation Form, OPNAV Form 3710/6.