Compare the Central Library Listing from
the TPL computer program with actual
manuals on hand. Ensure that all manuals
are reviewed, not just those in binders on the
shelf. Ensure each entry on the listing has a
matching manual and that each manual in
the library is on the list. Record date and the
Perform TPL program "NAVSUP P2002"
and record the date and the discrepancies.
Indicate the date of the NAVSUP P2002 that
was used to perform the audit in the 2002
DATE column of the Central Library
Listing and update the information in the
DATE LAST 2002 field in the TPL
computer program, if necessary.
Compare the verified and corrected audit list
with a current copy of your activitys
automatic distribution requirements list
(ADRL). Record the discrepancies and the
date. Perform TPL program Distribution
When all discrepancies are corrected, place
the audit form in Central Library
Transaction file. This file should contain a
cover sheet that shows the date of each audit
and who performed the audit. This file
should be retained for a minimum of 1 year.
An audit of each dispersed library is required
quarterly. The CTPL librarian schedules and performs
the audit. It is often convenient to schedule dispersed
library audits at the same time as the quarterly work
center audit. In addition, the CTPL librarian should
audit a dispersed library when directed to do so by
competent authority, when a new work center
supervisor is assigned, or when a new dispersed
librarian is assigned.
To perform an audit of a dispersed library, carry out
the following steps:
Run a Work Center Audit List from the TPL
2. Use a locally prepared form to record
discrepancies that you discover during the
audit. At a minimum, the form should provide
for the following information:
NAVAIR number
Corrective action taken
Corrective action required
Using your file of CECR forms (Part 2), ensure
that each of the manual changes issued to the
work center has been made properly.
Ensure that all manuals that are assigned to the
work center are in usable condition.
Ensure all manuals assigned to the work center
are appropriately labeled.
Ensure that canceled and out-of-date pubs have
been purged from the library or marked
Ensure that classified publications are stored in
accordance with SECNAVINST 5510.36.
Ask the dispersed librarian and the work center
supervisor if they have all the manuals they
When all discrepancies are corrected, place the
audit form in the work center audit folder and
retain it for at least 1 year. This folder should
contain a cover sheet that indicates a
chronological record of audits. Also, show the
date of each audit, who performed the audit,
and who the dispersed librarian was at the time
of the audit.
Q30. At least how often should a dispersed technical
publication library be audited?
reports submitted under the Naval Aviation
Maintenance Discrepancy Reporting Program
(NAMDRP). Describe procedures for
reporting discrepancies in maintenance and
operational publications.
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Discrepancy
Reporting Program (NAMDRP), outlined in Volume V
of the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP),
OPNAVINST 4790.2, establishes policy, respon-
sibilities, and requirements for reporting substandard
workmanship, improper quality assurance procedures,
and deficiencies in material or in technical
publications. NAMDRP reports include:
Hazardous material report