Figure 3-8.TPL program reports menu screen.
Partial library listingis particularly useful for
large libraries by allowing only a partial list to
be printed. Errors are also identified in this
Locator listing for selected workcenteris an
inventory listing that is used as a locator listing
for work centers. Each listing contains the
NAVAIR number, title, location, and copy
number. This is a required listing for each work
center and must be run at least once per quarter.
5 .
Workcenter listingmust be used to audit a
work center. This listing contains the same
information as a complete listing except title.
The program places an asterisk by those
manuals that have been updated since the
previous edition of the NAVSUP P2002 that
was used to audit the work center.
Listing of pub entries containing errorsis a
listing that identifies pubs that the program has
6 .
7 .
8 .
C .
detected an error in. Error codes are listed on
this report. This listing should be run at least
once per quarter.
Outstanding documents listingmonitors
pubs on order. This listing provides an
additional monitor capability for outstanding
Dead file listingpurges the dead database of
manuals that have been there for more than one
year. You should maintain the latest listing in a
folder for at least one year or until you run the
next dead file listing. You should run a
cumulative dead file listing at least once per
Listing of checked-out manualslists all those
manuals that are temporarily checked-out from
the library.
Classified manuals listinglists all classified