For detailed descriptions and instructions for each
section of the MSR, you should refer to OPNAVINST
Q14. When a Module Service Record (MSR)
component is installed as part of a propulsion
system, the MSR becomes part of what record?
Q15. Pencil entries are required in what section of the
Q16. When an MSR card contains no space for
additional entries, a new card is initiated. What
should be the disposition of each MSR card?
Engine Composition Tracking (ECOMTRAK)
This system tracks the operating time cycle or
counts of selected engine components. A similar
system is used to track selected aircraft components,
which is called Aircraft Composition Tracking
(ACOMTRAK). These two systems can be easily
confused by the AZ; therefore, you must remember that
ECOMTRAK deals primarily with life-limited engine
The ECOMTRAK system supplies reports that
specify the time or cycle counts that remain on each
tracked component before the component must be
inspected or removed and replaced. By using usage
rates derived from experiments and tests, workloads for
maintenance and rework facilities can be forecast. In
addition, long-range requirements for new and
reworked components can be developed. The
cognizant field activity (CFA) or, in some cases, the
assistant program manager for logistics (APML) for
each engine in the system maintains the ECOMTRAK
data base. Each CFA can presently provide manage-
ment information on TF30, J60, J85, T700, TF34, J52,
TF41, F402, F404, T64, T76, T58, T56, T400 and F110
engines. Designated fleet units and others may also
obtain such data directly. For further information on
this direct data access capability, contact NAMO.
The AZ who works on an Enhanced
Comprehensive Asset Management System (ECAMS)
performs the following tasks:
Verifies and corrects ECAMS, ECOMTRAK
system, and Parts Life Tracking System (PLTS)
reports daily
Validates configuration reports between
ECAMS database, AESR, MSR, and
ECOMTRAK, or PLTS prior to deployment,
after deployment, and quarterly
Screens all maintenance action forms (MAFs)
and naval flight records (NAVFLIRs) daily to
ensure engine transactions and component
removal and installation have been updated in
the ECAMS database
Ensures TDs that require part number changes
are entered into ECAMS
Refer to Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
(COMNAVAIRSYSCOM), aircraft controlling
custodian/type commander (ACC/TYCOM), and wing
directives for additional responsibilities.
Q17. What system tracks operating time, cycles, or
counts of selected engine components?
The Aeronautical Equipment Service Record
(AESR) is the log that keeps track of aeronautical
equipment that is an integral part of the aircraft. The
AESR contains many of the same forms and records
that are used in the aircraft logbook. The activity that
originally accepts the equipment is the activity that
initiates the AESR. You should enter full identification
data and the equipment serial number on each page of
every form in the AESR. When there is no designated
place in the AESR for data, you should place the data in
a manila folder that is attached to the back inside cover
of the AESR for this purpose.
You should record the monthly compilation. of
significant operating data in the Equipment Operating
Record. You should also make an entry in Equipment
Operating Record upon transfer of the equipment.
Overtemp, hot start, acceptance, and transfer
inspections are examples of conditional inspections
that you should log on the Conditional Inspection page
of an AESR. You should maintain 2 years of data on
the Conditional Inspection page. You shouldnt record
acceptance and transfer inspections of uninstalled
equipment in the AESR for equipment.
When you send equipment to be repaired that is
separated from a major component, such as an engine, a
propeller, or an auxiliary power unit to an AIMD, the
AESR should accompany the component. You should
record technical directives that affect an EHR, ASR,