MSR, or SRC card item on the applicable EHR, ASR,
MSR, or SRC card and make an entry on the TD page in
the applicable AESR.
You should use the Miscellaneous/History record
in the AESR to log entries concerning the Naval Oil
Analysis Program (NOAP).
When your activity initiates a preservation action
on an aircraft, you should make an entry in the
Preservation/Depreservation Record of the Aircraft
logbook. When no preservation was performed on
installed engines, no entry is made for the engines on
the Preservation/Depreservation Record in the AESR.
When a Module Service Record (MSR) component
is installed as part of a propulsion system, the MSR
becomes part of the propuslsion system AESR. You
are required to make entries in pencil in the
Replacement Due section of the MSR. When an MSR
card contains no space for additional entries, you
should start a new card. Both the old MSR card and the
new card should accompany the equipment until the
cards are consolidated at repair or rework.
The Engine Composition Tracking (EMCOM-
TRAK) system tracks life-limited engine components
by keeping a record of operating time, cycles, or counts
for selected engine components.