job control number (JCN) to a maintenance action
unless the aircraft is in a transient status. SMQ codes
allow maintenance personnel to perform preassigned
tasks. Under NALCOMIS, two copies of a discrepancy
MAF are printedone for the aircraft discrepancy
book (ADB) and one copy for the work center. When
the discrepancy is cleared, the original copy of the
MAF in the ADB is discarded.
The record and report of flight data is kept on a
naval aircraft flight record (NAVFLIR). Naval Air
Training and Operating Procedures Standardiza-
tion (NATOPS) General Flight and Operating In-
structions, OPNAVINST 3710.7, contains procedures
for initiating the NAVFLIR. Part I of the Naval Flight
Record Subsystem (NAVFLIRS) Daily Audit Report
(DAR) contains data that is found to be valid from
the previous days data submission. The individual
master roster, NAVFLIRS-00, reports total aircrews
who are assigned to an activity and special flight