solenoid spool to the centered position and
panel movement will stop. Fluid flow will be as
described earlier in step a.
Cylinder Vent Piping Installation
The cylinder vent piping installation (fig. 5-8)
consists of bleed valves, flexible hose assemblies,
piping, and associated fittings. Each JBD hydraulic
cylinder is vented through flexible hoses connected to
vent ports directly above the cylinder raising and
lowering ports. The hoses also connect the piping to a
nearby vent station and bleed valves.
The electrical assembly consists of the deckedge,
auxiliary and portable (chestpack) control panels, a
transfer switch, relay terminal box, cutout switch, and
associated wiring and connectors. All JBD assemblies
are electrically controlled by means of the individual
control panels. Each control panel and chestpack has its
own electrical installation and each is operated
independently of the other. An auxiliary control panel
and transfer switch, located below deck, is provided for
emergency operating purposes. The auxiliary control
panel is identical to the deckedge panel.
Deckedge and Auxiliary Control Panels
The deckedge and auxiliary control panels (fig.
5-10) are identical in design. The Mk 7 Mod 0/2 control
panels contain nine light switches while the Mk 7 Mod
1 panels contain seven light switches. Each panel also
contains four fuse lights, a power on light switch,
double indicator light, a cooling water and hydraulic
fluid shutoff valve, and a cooling water and hydraulic
pressure gauge. Six switches (Mk 7 Mod 0/2) or four
switches (Mk 7 Mod 1) are used to raise and lower the
JBD panels. Two switches are push-to-test and the last
switch is an emergency cooling water shut off valve
light switch (water-emer-off). The water-emer-off
switch, when actuated, closes a remote-controlled
shutoff valve in the saltwater line leading to the
applicable JBD assembly. The fuse light will provide an
indication of a blown fuse and possible trouble in the
applicable circuitry. The double indicator lights will
provide an indication of low cooling water pressure or
high cooling water temperature. A plastic guard,
mounted over the up and down switches, prevents
accidental operation of the panels.
Chestpack Portable Control Assembly
The chestpack (fig. 5-11) contains three individual
raise and lower toggle switches, an all raise and lower
toggle switch, a defeat interlock toggle switch, an
emergency cooling water toggle switch, and a yellow
water indicator light. Electrical power is provided by an
umbilical cable connected to a receptacle on the rear of
the chestpack and another receptacle located in the
deck. The defeat interlock switch permits raising and
lowering the JBDs during emergencies, such as low
temperature. The emergency cooling water switch,
when actuated, closes a motor operated shutoff valve in
the saltwater line leading to the applicable JBD
assembly. The yellow cooling water indicator light,
when lit, indicates a malfunction within the cooling
water system. The three individual raise and lower
switches allow the operator to raise individual pairs of
panels while the all raise switch permits raising and
lowering of all panels simultaneously. The red (port)
and green (stbd) indicator lights show the operator to
which JBD the chestpack is connected. All JBD
installations currently use the deckedge control for JBD
number four. Handles are provided on each chestpack
to attach a harness worn by the JBD operator.
Transfer Switch (Chestpack Portable Control
The transfer switch (fig. 5-12) for the chestpack
portable control is a rotary type with a rotary dial. The
dial face is identified with two portable and two
aux positions. The transfer switch is located near the
applicable auxiliary control panel. When the transfer
switch is in the portable position, the chestpack is
operable. Moving the dial to the aux position shifts
electrical power from the chestpack to the auxiliary
Transfer Switch (Deckedge Control System)
The transfer switch is a rotary type switch with a
rotary dial. The dial face is identified with two
deckedge and two aux positions. The transfer
switch is located near the applicable auxiliary control
panel. When the transfer switch is in the deckedge
position, the deckedge control panel is operable.
Moving the dial to the aux position shifts electrical
power from the deckedge panel to the auxiliary panel.
The only difference between the chestpack and the
deckedge transfer switch is the dial face.