and should be checked against failure. Failure of the
drive system could cause serious injury to operating
and aircraft personnel.
Excessive Pressures
The accumulator is built to take a 400-psi initial
charge and such additional pressure as is developed
during arrestment. This capacity provides for an
overloading factor. However, it is most important that
the accumulator blow-down valve on the charging
panel be kept open. Should leakage occur from
high-pressure piping as the result of inadequate
valving, this, with the additional compression loading
during arrestment, could cause an extremely dangerous
accumulator pressure. One operating indication of
excessive accumulator pressure is retraction that
exceeds normal speed. Initial accumulator pressure
must be held at 400 psi. A safety diaphragm is installed
on the air side of the accumulator to eliminate the
possibility of an accumulator explosion.
Fluid Level Indicator Safety
When the engine is in BATTERY position, the fluid
level indicator must read BATTERY. Should any other
reading be indicated, the engine must not be operated
until a battery indication is effected.
Malfunctions and Safety
Personnel must always be certain that their method
of operation is not responsible for a malfunction.
Possible malfunctions, causes, effects, and remedial
Organizational/Intermediate Maintenance Manual
with Illustrated Parts Breakdown, for all Shipboard
Aircraft Recovery Equipment, NAVAIR 51-5BBA-2.1
and 2.2.
Any engine not operable or shutdown because of
malfunctions, breakdown, needed adjustment, or repair
should have the deck pendant removed and all
operating pressures relieved. Leaks indicate poor
fittings or bad packing and result in pressure losses and
probable malfunction. Every leak must be immediately
investigated to determine the cause and the corrective
action to be taken. Cleanliness concerning debris, waste
wiping materials, and tools must be very strictly
adhered to, particularly where involvement with
operable parts may occur. A jammed up engine as a
result of carelessness with work materials could result
in injury and/or loss of life. Lubrication tables for all
equipment must be strictly adhered to. Venting the
various lines to remove entrapped air, foam, or waste
fluids is a preoperational and operational requirement.
Safe operations depend upon strict adherence to these
and all other pertinent safety instructions.
Molten Metal and Heating Methods
A detailed description of heating and using molten
metal for pouring sockets is contained earlier in this
chapter. Particular attention should be given to the
warning notes and instructions regarding personnel
safety. All personnel involved in terminal pouring
operations or in any operations where molten metals
are involved should wear goggles, gloves, aprons, and
such other protective clothing as is necessary. Ample
ventilation must be provided against fumes given off by
molten metals.
Cables, Pendants, and Taut Lines
In running pendants, cables, or taut lines, personnel
should be familiar with procedures so that equipment is
positioning. Improper handling of cables will cause
strand breakage and subsequent weakening and failure.
Whenever deck tractors are used for pulling out
pendants, all personnel must be on guard for cable lash.
Improper Landings
Personnel at deckedge stations or on deck duty
must be alert during landing operations to stay clear of
any aircraft and particularly those making offcenter or
excessive-speed landings. Either type can lead to
pendant failures, unequal stanchion loading in the event
of barricade landings, and the possibility that such
aircraft will go over the deck edge.
Safety Checklist
The following safety checklist should be posted at
applicable locations:
Replace broken, worn, or kinked deck pendants
and barricade deck cables as soon as operations
Inspect deck pendants after each group of
landings and after each excessive-load landing,
such as extreme offcenter landings or extreme
runout to two-blocking.