preparation and submission of the form are printed on
the back of the last copy (fig. 7-9).
PMS FBR Categories
There are two categories of FBRs-category A and
category B-defined as follows:
Category AThis category (fig. 7-7) is
nontechnical in nature and is intended to meet
PMS needs that do not require technical
review. Category A FBRs are submitted to
request classified or other PMS documentation
which cannot be obtained locally. With the
ships master PMS requirements on compact
a. Typewritten copies are preferred, however, handprinted copies are acceptable. Use ballpoint pen and ensure all copies are legible.
b. EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION: Fill in titled blocks that apply. Give as much information that can be determined. Ensure that
correct APL number is used for hull, mechanical or electrical equipment or electronic/weapons equipment which does not have
any Army-Navy number or mark/mod designation.
c. DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM: Check the appropriate box.
Category A
(1) MIP/MRC REPLACEMENT: Ensure that PMS documentation request is current in accordance with latest SFR. For missing
MIPs/MRCs, give SYSCOM control numbers when they can be determined. If SYSCOM control numbers cannot be
determined, provide as much nameplate data as can be obtained. When ordering a variety of missing/worn MIPs/MRCs, the
subject section shall be left blank.
Category B
(a) Identify specific discrepancy discovered in PMS by MRC control number, step number, etc.
(b) For publication discrepancies identify publication by number, volume, revision date/number, change number, page,
paragraph and or figure as appropriate.
(3) TYCOM ASSISTANCE: Includes clarification of 3-M instructions and other matters related to PMS
(4) OTHER: Identify in detail any problem not covered by (1) through (3) above. Shifts of maintenance
responsibility will be reported under this item. Ensure that all work centers involved in the change are
identified by work center code. Approval by the Executive Officer will be shown in the "Remarks".
d. REMARKS: Provide brief, but complete, description of problem or requirement. Executive Officer indicate
approval of maintenance responsibility shift by endorsement. Use additional forms if more space is required.
Mark additional forms, "page 2 of 2", "page 2 of 3", etc. Staple additional forms behind basic form.
e. ORIGINATOR IDENTIFICATION: Sign and insert work center code in appropriate space.
DIVISION OFFICER: Review for accuracy and completeness and sign in the space provided.
DEPARTMENT HEAD: Review for accuracy and completeness and sign in the space provided.
a. Serialize, date and sign in the appropriate spaces.
b. ROUTING INSTRUCTIONS: For Category "A" FBRs, forward the white and yellow copies to the appropriate
NAVSEACEN and the pink copy to the TYCOM. For Category "B" FBRs, forward the white, yellow and pink
copies to the TYCOM. Retain blue copy in suspense file. Return green copy to the originator.
Figure 7-9.Instructions for preparation of PMS Feedback Report.