assembly, and the ejector unit. The electronic control
unit and the ejector unit are the same for both the
BRU-41/A and the BRU-42/A.
Adapter Assembly
The adapter assembly is a hollow, hexagonal
aluminum extrusion that forms the main support for the
rack assembly hardware. Attaching points on the
adapter assembly provide 14-inch or 30-inch spacing of
the suspension lugs, which allows installation on the
various types of aircraft.
The adapter assembly houses the electronic control
unit and cable assembly and provides for attachment of
six or three individual ejector units. A nose-cone
assembly and a tail-cone assembly enclose the ends of
the adapter assembly for aerodynamic purposes.
1. Firing lead cables/breech caps
2. Sway brace pad extensions
3. Nose cone
4. Bolts
5. Washers
6. Aft sway brace pads
7. Bolts
8. Washers
9. Shoulder ejector units
10. Sway brace pads
11. Bolts
12. Washers
13. Forward suspension lug
14. Bolts
15. Nuts
16. Washers
17. Aft suspension lug
18. Bolt
19. Nut
20. Washers
21. Pin
Figure 10-9.BRU-42/A ITER.