the Mk 80 (series) bombs. The adapter booster is
externally threaded for installation in the bomb fuze
well and internally threaded for installation of the fuze.
The casing contains the booster charge that is threaded
onto the base of the adapter.
The M148E1 adapter booster is similar in external
appearance to the earlier M148/T45 (series). The
differences are the nomenclature marking on the face of
the adapter booster collar, the words THERMALLY
PROTECTED in bold black letters, and a yellow band
around the adapter booster casing, which indicates that
it is loaded with explosives. The M148E1 was
developed for use with thermally protected bombs.
Adapter booster M150/T46 (Series)
The adapter booster M150/T46 (series) (fig. 1-5)
permits the use of mechanical tail fuzes with Mk 80
(series) bombs. The M150/T46 adapter boosters differ
only in internal construction, and they may be used
The Mk 20 is used with the Mk 339
mechanical time fuze.
The primary and option delays can be
changed by adjusting the primary and option
time-setting dials.
You can tell if the fuze has shifted from the
primary to the option delay by checking the
time setting observation window of the fuze.
SafeGreen foil is intact.
ArmedGreen foil is pierced by the indicator
The M150/T46 (series) adapter boosters consist of
two separate explosive components. The primary
adapter booster receives a 2.0-inch diameter fuze. The
T46 (series) contains a fuze adapter sleeve for use with
the 1.5-inch diameter fuze. A hole is drilled through the
threads of the primary adapter booster for insertion of a
Figure 1-5.Adapter-booster M150/T46 (series).