Air Combat Maneuver (ACM) PanelThe ACM panel (fig. 15-1) is located on theforward cockpit center console. It contains switches formissile preparation, missile operating mode selection,and for arming the system. Indicators inform the pilotof weapon status, when the missile is locked on thetarget, and when the missile is ready to be launched.When the ACM encounter mode is selected, gunhigh-firing rate and the AIM-9 missile cooling areautomatically selected. The ACM panel switches arediscussed in the following paragraphs.Armament Control Indicator PanelThe armament control indicator panel (fig. 15-2) islocated in the aft cockpit left vertical console. Itcontains the attack mode (ATTK MODE) selectorswitch, weapon-type (WEP TYPE) thumb-wheelswitch, electric fuze (ELECT FUZE) selector switch,delivery (DLVY MODE) switches, delivery options(DLVY OPTNS) switches, station set (STA SET)switches, missile option (MSL OPTION) switches,missile speed gate (MSL SPD GATE) selector switch,and select jettison (SEL JETT), tank jettison (TANK15-2Figure 15-1.—F-14 control panels.
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