f. Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF)Deployment Support System II (MADSS-II)for ground ammunition movement tracking.For further information on the ROLMS system, refer toNAVSUP P-724, Chap 9.CONVENTIONAL AMMUNITIONINTEGRATED MANAGEMENTSYSTEMLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Describe the func-tions and state the purpose of the ConventionalAmmunition Integrated Manage- ment System(CAIMS).TheConventionalAmmunitionIntegratedManagement System (CAIMS) is a management toolfor all echelons of the Navy that relate assets torequirements and to inventory managers for itemdecision-making purposes. The Naval AmmunitionLogisticsCenter(NAVAMMOLOGCEN)inMechanicsburg, Pennsylvania maintains the CAIMSammunition stock status file. Pertinent data is extractedfrom this file for distribution to interested fleet and areacommanders. The CAIMS ammunition stock status fileis not automatically distributed to commands. It isavailable and may be requested by individual com-mands through normal chain-of-command procedures.The CAIMS ammunition stock status file provides thefollowing data:1.Date of the last transaction report2.Monthly and cumulative (to date this fiscalyear) expenditures by ammunition type, aslisted below:a.Combatb.Trainingc.Test/evaluationd.Non-combat operationse.Disposalf.Loss by inventoryg.Out of system transfers3.Quantity on handa.Serviceableb.Unserviceable/suspended4.Allowance5.Percent of allowance on boardTheforegoingdataisprovidedbyNavyAmmunition Logistics Code (NALC), Department ofDefense Identification Code (DODIC), or by activity(listing the NALCs/DODICs carried by each activity).The accuracy of CAIMS relates to the ammunitionactually on hand at your command. Therefore, youmust accurately report all receipts, issues, Conditioncode changes, and inventory adjustments. Currently,NavyactivitiesreporttoCAIMSbytwomethods—transactionitemreports(TIRs)andammunition transaction reports (ATRs). TIRs aretransceived daily by activities that use automatedinformation systems. ATRs are submitted by fleetactivities via naval messages.For further information on the CAIMS system, refer toNAVSUP P-724, Chap 9.AMMUNITION REQUISITIONINGAND TURN-IN PROCEDURESLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Use the terms anddefinitions associated with ammunitionrequisitioning and turn-in; describe theprocedures to be followed when preparingrequisition documents; identify the variablesthat affect requisitioning by fleet units; anddescribe file maintenance procedures, turn-inprocedures, and temporary custody ofordnance ashore.The military standard requisitioning and issueprocedures (MILSTRIP) are used for ordering allordnance.MILSTRIP/MILSTRAPManual,NAV-SUP P-437, and Afloat Supply Procedures Manual,NAVSUPP-485,providecompleteMILSTRIPprocedures. Each fleet commander (CINCLANTFLTand CINCPACFLT) issues instructions that providedetailed guidance for requisition and turn-in ofammunition within their jurisdiction. The informationand procedures in both instructions are basically thesame. For simplicity, the information in this chapterpertains to units within the Atlantic Fleet and Europeanareas.TERMS AND DEFINITIONSBecause you work with ordnance, you need to befamiliar with ammunition terms and definitions. Someterms are discussed in more detail later in this chapter.Thefollowingtermsanddefinitionsareusedthroughout this chapter:17-2
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