Department of Defense Identification Code
(DODIC). The Department of Defense Identification
Code (DODIC), is a four-digit code assigned by the
Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC) and it
identifies ammunition and explosive items. The
acronyms DODIC and NALC, or their respective
meanings are used interchangeably in the remainder of
this chapter.
Expenditure. An expenditure occurs when an item
is permanently removed from the Navy inventory. A
round that is detonated, burned, fired, exploded,
surveyed or lost by inventory, deepwater dumped, or
transferred to other services or another country is
posted and reported as an expenditure. Transfers of
ammunition to other Navy/Marine Corps activities are
NOT expenditures. The various types of expenditures
operational, disposal, loss by inventory, and transfers
out of the Navy reporting system.
Gain by inventory (GBI). A GBI is an increase in
the asset position based upon physical inventory of an
ammunition item.
Issue. An issue is the transfer of an item, regardless
of its serviceability condition, to another activity. This
includes off-loads to shore activities and transfers to
other ships.
Lead time. Lead time is the time difference between
the Julian date of the requisition and the required
delivery date (RDD). It consists of submission time, or
requisitioner to the stock point, plus processing and
delivery time at the stock point.
Loss by inventory (LBI). An LBI is a decrease in the
asset position based upon a physical inventory of an
ammunition item.
Maintenance due date (MDD). The maintenance
due date of a weapon is predicated on the component of
the weapon that next requires intermediate- or
depot-level maintenance or testing. MDDs vary from
weapon to weapon and within configurations of
weapons. They are used to determine serviceability.
Weapons with an expired MDD are not serviceable.
National stock number (NSN). An NSN is a
13-digit number used to identify an item of material in
the supply distribution system of the United States. It
consists of a four-digit federal supply class (FSC) and a
nine-digit national item identification number (NIIN).
(See fig. 17-1.)
Navy ammunition reclassification (NAR) system.
NARs provide information pertaining to the degree of
serviceability of non-nuclear explosive ordnance or
explosive material used by the Navy, Marine Corps, and
Coast Guard. Reclassification refers to the change of an
item's material condition code. NARs are issued by
message and often contain information directly related
to the safety of personnel and/or equipment. NARs are
numbered consecutively within each calendar year
and serve as supplements to the Ammunition
TW024-AA-ORD-010, until incorporated by a change
or revision.
Receipt. A receipt is any transaction that increases
the on-hand inventory of an item, regardless of its
serviceability condition. Receipts from another ship,
activity, service, and GBIs are included.
Reconciliation. Reconciliation is the process of
reporting on-hand assets of items that have had no
transactions since the previous reconciliation. Naval
Ammunition Logistics Center Mechanicsburg uses
reconciliation reports to identify and correct errors in
individual ship or activity's data files and in the CAIMS
Serial/lot item tracking (SLIT). Serial/lot item
tracking is a subsystem of CAIMS that accounts for
certain items of ordnance by individual serial, lot, or
register number.
Temporary custody ashore. Temporary custody
ashore refers to ammunition temporarily stored ashore
by a ship that intends to reload the ammunition aboard
at a later date. It does not include ammunition held
temporarily for further transfer (FFT).
Transaction. For reporting purposes, a transaction
is any change in the reported asset posture of an
ammunition item. Examples of transactions are receipt;
expenditure, and issue.
Transfer. Transfer is the movement of assets from a
Navy activity to an activity outside the Navy
accounting system such as the Army, Air Force, Coast
Guard, or a foreign government.
Type Maintenance Due Code (TMDC). A Type
Maintenance Due code is a code that indicates what
type of maintenance action is due next for an individual
Unserviceable/suspended ammunition. Unservice-
able/suspended ammunition are components that are
not ready for use and cannot be made serviceable using