Adapter boosters, 1-8
adapter booster M150/T46 (series), 1-9
M148/M148E1/T45 (series) adapter booster, 1-8
Aerial targets, 8-6
AQM-37C missile target, 8-7
BQM-34A/S target system, 8-9
BQM-34E/T missile target, 8-9
BQM-74C/E target drone, 8-8
Air-laid mines and torpedoes, 5-1
Air-launched decoy, 8-10
Aircraft bomb ammunition and associated
components, 1-17
arming wire assemblies, 1-20
fin assemblies, 1-20
fuze charging circuit, 1-17
fuze wells, 1-17
general-purpose bombs and fin assemblies, 1-17
identification, 1-20
nose plugs, 1-20
shipping configuration, 1-17
suspension lugs, 1-17
Aircraft general-purpose bombs, 13-1
bomb assembly crew, 13-1
bomb assembly tools and equipment
requirements, 13-1
Aircraft gun ammunition, 7-1
classification, 7-1
Aircraft rocket launchers, 2-14
2.75-inch rocket launchers, 2-14
2.75-inch (series) launchers, 2-18
5.0-inch rocket launchers, 2-14
5.0-inch (series) launchers, 2-17
breaker switch, 2-16
fairings, 2-16
intervalometer, 2-16
mode selector switch, 2-16
RF/Thermal barriers, 2-16
Aircraft rockets, 2-1
Aircraft-laid mines, 5-6
classifications, 5-7
Aircraft-launched torpedo configurations, 5-2
Ammunition handling, 11-15
hoists, 11-16
weapons elevators, 11-18
Ammunition identification, 12-1
ammunition lot number, 12-4
Department of Defense Identification Code
(DODIC) and Navy Ammunition Logistic
Code (NALC), 12-3
lettering, 12-3
mark and modification designation, 12-3
marking, 12-3
nonservice ammunition, 12-1
service ammunition, 12-1
Ammunition lot/location card, 17-32
Ammunition master stock record card, 17-29
Ammunition requisitioning and turn-in procedures,
exception requisitioning by naval message, 17-12
message requisitioning by DAAS, 17-9
requisition document preparation, 17-5
requisition lead time, 17-13
requisitioning by fleet units, 17-12
requisitioning procedures for aircraft squadrons,
stock levels, 17-12
Ammunition serial/location card, 17-32
Ammunition storage ashore for advanced bases, 12-13
administration and personnel areas, 12-13
disposal areas, 12-13
enemy ammunition areas, 12-13
magazine areas, 12-13
renovation areas, 12-13
Ammunition stowage, 11-7
ammunition stowage spaces, 11-7
Ammunition turn-in procedures, 17-17
turn-in of ammunition details, 17-17
AN/ALE-29A countermeasures chaff dispensing set,
AN/ALE-37A countermeasures chaff dispensing set,
Arming safety switch Mk 122 Mod 0, 1-11
Beams, 9-9
Bomb ejector racks, 10-3
BRU-11A/A bomb ejector rack, 10-4
BRU-32/A bomb ejector rack, 10-5
BRU-33/A and BRU-33A/A vertical ejector rack,
10-5, 10-6
Improved multiple ejector rack BRU-41/A
(IMER) and improved triple ejector rack
BRU-42/A (ITER), 10-6
Bomb hoists, 9-14
Bomb loading and unloading procedures, 14-8
Bomb racks, 10-1
Aero 1A adapter assembly, 10-1
BRU-12/A bomb rack, 10-1
BRU-14/A bomb rack, 10-1
BRU-15/A bomb rack, 10-3
Penguin missile launch adapter, 10-1
Bombs, fuzes, and associated components, 1-1
Carriers, 9-4
CBU-78/B gator, 1-36
Certification board, 11-5
responsibilities, 11-7
Conical fin, 1-23
Conventional ammunition integrated management
system, 17-2