where contact between wire rope and the component
being lifted could result in damage.
Structural Steel or Aluminum
Slings of this type are constructed with plates,
tubing, I-beams, and other structural shapes, and they
do not contain flexible components. See figure 1-20.
Structural steel and aluminum slings are generally
compact in size, and they are often used for lifting
aircraft subassemblies.
Chains are generally used in combination with one
of the other types of sling construction. See figure 1-21.
A chain with a chain adjuster provides a simplified
method of shifting the lifting point on a sling to match
the component's center of gravity under a variety of
hoisting configurations.
Figure 1-20.--Typical steel/aluminum sling.
Load-bearing cables, chains, straps, and other
structural members of hoisting and restraining devices
Fabric or Webbing
that these components be inspected and lubricated
Fabric or webbing type slings are generally
periodically to ensure safe and proper operation. On
reserved for lifting lightweight objects, or applications
initial receipt of equipment or return of equipment from
Figure 1-21.--Combination wire rope and chain sling.