Figure 11-18.--Fuse, operational view.
Q11-30. What are the two types of mechanically
Q11-22. A slide-type selector valve should have a light
operated sequence valves?
film of hydraulic fluid applied to the exposed
areas of the slide primarily for what purpose?
Q11-31. Trouble associated with a mechanically
operated sequence valve is most commonly a
Q11-23. A s o l e n o i d - o p e ra t e d s e l e c t o r v a l v e i s
result of what problem?
controlled by what means?
Q11-32. Isolation of the normal system from the
Q11-24. A solenoid-operated selector valve directs the
emergency hydraulic system is the main
flow of fluid to and from the actuator by the
function of what valve?
use of what component?
Q11-33. Excessive heating of a shuttle valve is a good
Q11-25. For the proper cleaning, inspection, repair,
indication of what type of problem?
and testing of selector valves, you should use
what series of NAVAIR manuals as a guide?
Q11-34. An actuating units speed of operation is
controlled by what component?
Q11-26. When testing a solenoid selector valve, you
must bleed all air from the valve before
Q11-35. To retard the action of a hydraulic cylinder by
applying pressure for what reason?
limiting the flow of fluid in both directions,
you should use what device?
Q11-27. What is the purpose of a check valve?
Q11-36. What is the primary purpose of a hydraulic
Q11-28. A b y p a s s ch e ck v a l v e d i ff e rs f ro m a n
automatic check valve in what way?
Q11-37. Hydraulic fluid entering a hydraulic fuse is
Q11-29. In what two ways are sequence valves
divided into two flow paths by what means?