hydraulic portion of the power system is bypassed. The
and No. 2 mid-spoilers are controlled by the pitch
c o m p u t e r. T h e s e s p o i l e r s a r e p ow e r e d b y t h e
system is then powered mechanically through control
mid-outboard spoiler/high lift backup module. This
cables and linkage. An aerodynamic irreversible
combination provides positive spoiler control if either
hydraulic system is employed in the rudder system. To
computer or hydraulic power source malfunctions.
accomplish trim, the complete rudder surface is
The actuation of the rudder pedals causes the
control cables to move a cable sector assembly. The
Directional control systems provide a means of
cable sector, through a push-pull tube and linkage,
controlling and/or stabilizing the aircraft about its
actuates the power mechanism. The rudder actuator
vertical axis. Most Navy aircraft use conventional-type
deflects the rudder to the left or to the right.
rudder control systems for this purpose.
A load-feel bungee is connected to the push-pull
The rudder control system, shown in figure 16-15,
tube, and is compressed when the push-pull tube is
is operated by the rudder pedals in the cockpit. The
actuated. When the pedals are released, the
system is powered hydraulically through the rudder
compressed bungee returns the system to the neutral
actuator. In the event of hydraulic power failure, the
Figure 16-15.--Rudder control system.