What type of damage can be identified by
When damage to the web is a crack, dent, or small
loosened, sheared, or popped rivets?
hole, it may be repaired in the same manner as fully
stressed skin. Buckled webs may be repaired by
When inspecting an area for damage, you
riveting an angle reinforcement over the buckled area,
should always check rivet and bolt holes for
provided the bulkhead is not otherwise distorted. Sheet
what condition?
metal used for repairs near a flanged lightening hole
What type of test should always be performed
should be formed with a 90-degree flange to provide
on metal after a fire has occurred?
additional stiffening.
If you suspect a crack exist, what type of
LONGERONS.--Most aircraft fuselages are
inspection should you perform?
constructed in sections and are of the semimonocoque
design. A longeron is a fore-and-aft member of the
Small cracks that can be stop-drilled, dents,
fuselage or nacelle and is usually continuous across a
scratches, or other minor damage that does
number of points of support, such as frames and
not require major repair or replacement and
bulkheads. The longerons, along with the stringers, are
does not restrict flight status is defined as
the major load-carrying members and stiffeners. Figure
what type of damage?
4-72 shows the location of the major members of a
Damage that cannot be repaired by any
semimonocoque design forward fuselage. In case it
practical means is defined as what type of
becomes necessary to repair a longeron, review the
section on stringer repair and follow the same
The major requirement on making a repair is
to ensure you duplicate what condition?
After cleaning the damaged area of an
aircraft, what is the next step in the repair
The process of interpreting and transcribing
of information from blueprints, drawings, and
written instructions for the metal to be made
What kind of damage can turn into permanent
into aircraft parts is known by what term?
damage if not properly treated?
If you are required to fabricate multiple parts
Damage caused by tools, bolts, rivets, and
of the same dimensions, what can you use to
nuts left adrift is known as what type of
ensure a higher degree of uniformity and
speed production?
Figure 4-72.--Forward fuselage (semimonocoque).