INTEGRAL FUEL CELL--A structural configura-
periodically from a maximum to a minimum. A
tion in which a component of the aircraft serves as a
single swing from one extreme limit to the other.
fuel container.
OXIDATION--The process by which oxygen unites
KEVLAR--Tough, light, aramid synthetic fiber
with some other substance, causing rust or
used in making bulletproof vests, boat hulls,
airplane parts, etc.
P/N--Part number.
KNURLED--A series of small ridges or beads placed
along the edge of a metal object, such as a
PERIMETER--A line or strip protecting or bonding
thumbscrew, as an aid in gripping.
an area.
LAMINA--A single ply of composite material, made
PMIC--Periodic maintenance inspection card.
up of a reinforcing element and matrix
PNEUMATIC--Moved or worked by air pressure.
(laminaeplural of lamina).
POTENTIOMETER--An instrument for controlling,
LAMINATE--A combination of two or more single
comparing, or measuring electrical potentials.
piles of laminae bonded together to form a
PPM--Parts per million.
PSI--Pounds per square inch.
sets the standard of identifying laminate
RADIUS--A line segment extending from the center
orientations within the composite industry.
of a circle or sphere to the circumference or
MATRIX--The essentially homogeneous material in
bounding surface.
which the fibers of a composite are embedded and
RPM--Revolutions per minute.
SAE--Society of Automotive Engineers.
spindle moved by a finely threaded screw for
SATURATION--A state of maximum impregnation.
making precise measurements.
SERRATION--A formation resembling the toothed
MICRON--A millionth of a meter or about 0.000039
edge of a saw.
SILICA--A hard, glassy, mineral found in a variety of
MIM--Maintenance Instruction Manual.
forms, as in quartz, sand, opals, etc.
SPHERICAL--Having the form of a sphere or of one
of its segments.
SPLINE--A key that is fixed to one of two connected
MRC--Maintenance requirements card.
mechanical parts and fits into a keyway in the other.
NADEP--Naval aviation depot.
TEFLON--A tough, insoluble polymer, used in
NAMP--Naval Aviation Maintenance Program.
making nonsticking coatings and used on gaskets,
NAPI--Naval Aeronautical Publication Index.
THERMOPLASTIC--Capable of softening or fusing
NAVAIR--Naval Air Systems Command. Also known
when heated and of hardening again when cooled.
TOXIC--Harmful, destructive, poisonous materials.
NAVOSH--Navy Occupational Safety and Health
human ear's audibility limit.
NDI--Nondestructive inspection.
VISCOSITY--The internal resistance of a liquid that
NEOPRENE--A synthetic rubber.
tends to prevent it from flowing.
NONFERROUS--Metals other then iron.
WARPAGE--A distortion, such as a twist or bend, in
OPTIMUM--The greatest degree attained or at-
metal or an object made of metal
tainable under implied or specified conditions.