ANNUNCIATOR--Electrically controlled signal
ABRADE--To scrape or rub off.
board or indicator.
ACCUMULATOR--An apparatus that collects and
ANODIZE--To subject a metal to electrolytic action,
stores energy.
as the anode of a cell, in order to coat it with a
ACRYLIC--Designation of an acrylic resin product.
protective film.
ACRYLIC RESIN--Group of transparent, thermo-
ANTIOXIDANTS--A substance that opposes oxida-
plastic, polymeric resins used in making molded
tion or inhibits reactions promoted by oxygen or
plastics, paints, textile fibers, etc.
ACTUATOR--A mechanism for moving or con-
APEX--The uppermost point.
trolling something indirectly.
ASW--Antisubmarine warfare.
ADDITIVES--Substances added, in relatively small
ASYMMETRY--Lack of symmetry.
amounts, to improve another substances physical
properties or performance.
AUTOROTATION--The turning of the rotor of a
helicopter, with the resulting lift caused solely by
ADHESION--An action that causes one substance to
the aerodynamic forces induced by the motion of
adhere to another.
the rotor along its flight path.
AFCS--Automatic Flight Control System.
AXIAL--Situated around, in the direction of, on or
AIMD--Aircraft intermediate maintenance depart-
along an axis.
BALLISTIC--Relating to ballistics or to a body in
AIRFOIL--A structure or body, such as an aircraft
motion according to the laws of ballistics.
CANNIBALIZATION--To take salvageable parts
lift/thrust when in motion relative to the sur-
from one machine for the use in repairing or
rounding air.
building another machine.
ALCLAD--Trade name of an aluminum laminate
CARBONACEOUS--Consisting of or containing
originated by the Aluminum Company of America.
ALIPHATIC--Major group of organic compounds,
CATALYSTS--A substance that initiates a chemical
structured in open chains, including paraffins,
reaction and enables it to proceed under different
olefins, and acetylenes.
conditions than otherwise possible.
ALLOY--A mixture with metallic properties com-
CAVITATE--To form cavities or bubbles.
posed of two or more elements, of which at least
one is a metal.
CFA--Cognizant field activity.
AMBIENT--Surrounding; adjacent to, next to. For
CHLORIDES--A compound of chlorine with another
example, ambient conditions are physical con-
element or group.
ditions of the immediate area, such as ambient
CHROMATE--A salt or ester of chromic acid.
temperature, ambient humidity, ambient pressure,
CIRCUMFERENTIAL--Perimeter of a circle.
ANHYDROUS--Without water.
CNO--Chief of Naval Operations
ANNEAL--To heat and then cool.
COGNIZANT--Official observation of or authority
over something.
ANNULAR--Relating to or forming a ring.