transfer in one direction only. If an explosive signal is
Canopy Jettison Gas Generator
introduced in the opposite direction, it is blocked.
The canopy jettison gas generator (fig. 3-7) is
attached to the lower end of the canopy actuator. The
canopy jettison gas generator provides high-pressure
Pulling the pilot or NFO ejection control handle
gas to the canopy actuator to jettison the canopy from
initiates ejection. When the seat firing handle is
the aircraft.
pulled, a sear is pulled from dual redundant cartridges,
sending a gas signal through the seat disconnect to the
Inert Connectors and Manifolds
gas SMDC initiators mounted on the initiator
Inert c o n n e c t o r s a n d m a n i f o l d s ( fi g . 3 - 5 )
manifold. This sends an explosive signal through
throughout SMDC lines allow the interconnection of
SMDC lines to safe-and-arm firing pins,
SMDC lines.
canopy-separation charge (XSMDC), and canopy
jettison gas generator. XSMDC lines, routed through
Explosive Manifolds
the latch hooks, break the canopy latch frangible bolts.
This allows the hooks to rotate upward, releasing the
incorporate an internal explosive crossover that permits
The canopy jettison gas generator produces
SMDC to fire both output SMDC lines. The manifolds
high-pressure gas that forces the canopy actuator shaft
also provide structural support for mounting the SMDC
upward, ballistically jettisoning the canopy. As the
lines to the aircraft structure.
canopy leaves the aircraft, the lanyard becomes taut and
removes the sear. This fires an explosive charge within
One-Way Explosive Transfers
the safe-and-arm seat ejection module. This signal is
routed to the ejection seat via the sequencing system
One-way explosive transfers (fig. 3-5), within
SMDC lines to fire the SMDC to gas initiators. The
SMDC line routing, provide unrestricted explosive
SMDC to gas initiators send a gas signal through the
pyrotechnic quick-disconnect, ejecting the crew-
member by firing the primary cartridge.
During ground emergency conditions, the canopy
may be jettisoned clear of the cockpit by actuating the
external canopy jettison initiator handle at either side of
the aircraft. The pilot or NFO also may jettison it
without initiating ejection with the internal canopy
jettison handle.
The explosive signal provided by the canopy
jettison initiator is blocked from entering the SMDC
lines of the seat ejection system by the one-way
explosive transfers. Inert connectors joining the SMDC
lines transfer the explosive stimuli through the
bulkheads, straight runs, tee connections, and 90
bends. The canopy lock separates SMDC explosive
manifolds within SMDC lines, which allows output
SMDC lines to be initiated from one SMDC input. This
assures system redundancy by providing dual-line
initiation for the canopy-separation charge.
What types of pyrotechnic cords are used in
the F-14 escape system?
What component enables the aircrewman to
jettison the canopy during emergency condi-
tions without initiating seat ejection?