FAHRENHEIT--The temperature scale using the
ELECTRON--A negative-charged particle that is a
freezing point of water as 32 and the boiling point
as 212, with 180 equal divisions between, called
Movement of electrons is an electric current.
with different electrical charges or when a
FEEDBACK--A transfer of energy from the output of
difference of potential exists between two points.
a device to its input.
The unit of measurement is volts.
FERROUS METAL--A metal that contains iron or
EMISSIONS--Products of automotive engine com-
bustion that are released into the atmosphere.
FIELD--In a generator or electric motor, the area in
ENERGY--The capacity for performing work.
which a magnetic flow occurs.
ENGINE--An assembly that burns fuel to produce
FIELD COIL--A coil of wire, wound around an iron
core, that produces the magnetic field in a generator
or motor when current passes through it.
ing forces or actions.
FIELD FRAME--The frame in a generator or motor
into which the field coils are assembled.
ETHYLENE GLYCOL--A solution added to anti-
freeze to help prevent freezing.
FILAMENT--A fine wire inside a light bulb that
liquid changes to a vapor or gas.
emits light when current passes through it.
E VA P O R A T O R -- A c o m p o n e n t i n a n
FILTER--A device whose primary function is the
air-conditioning system that is used to absorb heat
retention by a porous media of insoluble con-
from a passing airstream, thus changing the liquid
taminants from a fluid.
flowing within into a vapor.
FILTER ELEMENT--The porous device that per-
EXHAUST MANIFOLD--That part of an engine that
forms the actual process of filtration.
provides a series of passages through which burned
FILTER MEDIA, SURFACE--Porous materials that
gases from the engine cylinders may flow.
EXHAUST STROKE--The piston stroke from
FILTER MEDIA--The porous materials that perform
bottom dead center to top dead center during which
the actual process of filtration.
the exhaust valve is opened so that burned gases are
forced from the engine cylinder into the exhaust
FINAL DRIVE--That part of an automotive power
train that carries the driving power to the
differential assembly. It consists of a pinion gear an
EXHAUST VALVE--The valve that opens to allow
a ring gear.
the burned gases to escape from the cylinder during
the exhaust stroke.
FIREWALL--The partition between the engine
compartment and driver's compartment.
EXPANSION TANK--A tank, separate from the
radiator, used to compensate for expansion and
FIRING ORDER--The order in which respective
contraction of engine coolant. Also called an
cylinders of an engine deliver their power strokes.
overflow tank.
FLASH POINT--The temperature to which a liquid
EXPANSION VALVE--A component used on some
must be heated under specified conditions of the
air-conditioning systems to control flow and reduce
test method to give off sufficient vapor to form a
pressure of the refrigerant flowing into the
mixture with air that can be ignited momentarily by
a specified flame.
F-HEAD--A type of engine with valves arranged to
FLOAT--In a carburetor, the metal shell that is
form an F; one valve is in the head, the other is in
suspended by the fuel in the float bowl and controls
the cylinder block.
a needle valve that regulates the fuel level in the