GAUGE, BELLOWS--A gauge in which the sensing
element is a convoluted closed cylinder. A pressure
the pressure of a fluid flowing through a passage
differential between the outside and the inside
attributable to the friction between the fluid and the
causes the cylinder to expand or contract axially.
passage walls.
GAUGE, BOURDON TUBE--A pressure gauge in
FUEL--The substance that is burned to produce heat
which the sensing element is a curved tube that
and create motion of the piston on the power stroke
tends to straighten out when subjected to internal
in an engine.
fluid pressure.
FUEL FILTER--A device placed in the fuel line of
GAUGE, DIAPHRAGM--A gauge in which the
the fuel system to remove dirt and other harmful
sensing element is relatively thin and its inner
portion is free to deflect with respect to its
FUEL GAGE--An indicating device in the fuel
system that indicates the amount of fuel in the fuel
GAUGE, PRESSURE--A gauge that indicates the
pressure in the system to which it is connected.
FUEL INJECTION--A fuel delivery system that
GAUGE PRESSURE--Pressure above atmospheric
sprays fuel either directly into the cylinders or into
the intake manifold just ahead of the cylinders.
GAUGE SNUBBER--A device installed in the line to
FUEL LINE--The tube or tubes connecting the fuel
the pressure gauge used to dampen pressure surges
tank and other fuel system components and through
and thus provide a steady reading and a protection
which the fuel passes.
for the gauge.
FUEL PUMP--The mechanism in the fuel system that
GAUGE, VACUUM--A pressure gauge for pressures
transfers fuel from the fuel tank to the carburetor or
less than atmospheric.
fuel injection system.
GEAR RATIO--The relative speeds at which two
FUEL TANK--The storage tank for fuel on the
gears turn; the proportional rate of rotation.
GEARSHIFT--A mechanism by which the gears in a
FULCRUM--The support, as a wedge-shaped piece
transmission system are engaged.
or a hinge, about which a lever turns.
GEARS--Mechanical devices to transmit power or
FULL-FLOATING AXLE--An axle that is designed
turning effort, from one shaft to another; more
only to deliver power to the wheel. Vehicle weight
specifically, gears that contain teeth that engage or
and wheel retaining are accomplished by other
mesh upon turning.
FUSE--A circuit-protecting device that makes use of a
energy to electrical energy. A machine that
substance that has a low melting point. The sub-
produces ac or dc voltage, depending on the design.
stance melts if an overload occurs, thus protecting
other devices in the system.
GLOW PLUG--An electrical device placed in some
diesel engines that heats up when activated to aid in
FUSIBLE LINK--A length of special wire inserted in
cold weather starting.
a circuit to protect against excessive current draw.
GOVERNOR--A mechanism that controls speed or
GAS--The form of matter that has neither a definite
other variables. Specifically, speed governors used
shape nor a definite volume.
on automotive vehicles to prevent excessive engine
GASKET--A class of seals that provides a seal
speed by controlling actions in the carburetor or
between two stationary parts.
fuel injection system.
GASOLINE --A h y d r o c a r b o n , o b t a i n e d f r o m
GRAVITY--The force that tends to draw all bodies
petroleum, that is suitable as an
toward the center of the earth. The weight of a
body is the resultant of gravitational force acting on
GAUGE--An instrument or device for measuring,
the body.
indicating, or comparing a physical characteristic.