corrected, but some hazards always exist. An awareness
of their existence seems to be the answer. In general,
provided. The worker should be insulated from ground
beware of any voltage.
with a suitable nonconducting material, such as a
rubber mat of approved construction. The worker
If any repair on a circuit card is required, you must
should, if possible, use only one hand in accomplishing
first be certified as a microminiature repair technician
the necessary repairs. Helpers should be stationed near
in accordance with the Naval Aviation Maintenance
the main switch or the circuit breaker so the equipment
Program (NAMP), OPNAVINST 4790.2 before at-
can be de-energized immediately in case of emergency.
tempting these repairs. If circuit card repair is required,
A person qualified in first aid for electric shock should
normally it would be inducted into work c e n t e r 6 9 0 a t
stand by during the entire period of the repair. Also,
t h e A i r c r a f t I n t e r m e d i a t e Maintenance Department
NAVOSH 29 CFR 1910 requires at least one
CPR-qualified person in each work center that
The nonresident training course, Airman,
performs electrical repairs.
NAVEDTRA 14014, addresses safety as it relates to
naval aviation. The training manual, Basic Military
High-Voltage Precautions
Requirements, NAVEDTRA 12018, chapter 14, is a
Personnel should never work alone near
basic reference in the field of first aid. All naval
high-voltage equipment. Tools and equipment
personnel are required to possess knowledge of the
containing metal parts should not be used within 4 feet
principles of safety and first aid, and, for these
of high-voltage circuits or electric wiring that have
purposes, these are excellent study references.
exposed surfaces. The handles of all metal tools, such
Q6-3. Which of the following types of SE are you
as pliers and cutters, should be covered with rubber
most likely to find electrical wiring that is
insulating tape. (The use of plastic or cambric sleeving
identified by color-coding?
or of friction tape alone for this purpose is prohibited.)
1. The NC-8A Mobile Electric Power Plant
Before you touch a capacitor, short-circuit the
2. The A/S32A-36A Crash Crane
terminals to make sure that the capacitor is completely
3. The MMG-1A Mobile Electric Power
discharged. Grounded shorting prods should be
permanently attached to workbenches where electrical
4. The A/S32A-31A towing tractor
devices are regularly serviced.
Q6-4. What does the letter "N" signify in the wire
Do not work on any type of electrical apparatus
number P15B2N?
with wet hands or while you are wearing wet clothing.
The wire is a neutral wire
Do not wear loose or flapping clothing. The use of
The wire is at its termination point
thin-soled shoes with metal plates or hobnails is
The wire has other connecting wires
prohibited. Wear safety shoes with nonconducting
The wire has more than one function
soles, if available. Do not wear flammable articles if at
all possible.
Q6-5. Which of the following is an advantage of
using an ungrounded electrical system?
When working on an electrical or electronic
apparatus, you should first remove all rings,
1. There are less wires used in the system
wristwatches, bracelets, and similar metal items. Make
2. An electrical grounding is not possible
sure your clothing does not contain exposed zippers,
3. All wires are of a positive potential and
metal buttons, or any type of metal fastener.
troubleshooting is easier
4. The negative wires are all connected to a
Warning signs and suitable guards should be
central location on the unit
provided to prevent personnel from coming into
accidental contact with high voltages.
Q6-6. When you perform work on electrical circuits,
you should be insulated from ground by which
Low-Voltage Precautions
of the following means?
Most people never realize the dangers of
A rubber mat
low-voltage electric shock. These hazards are ever
Insulated gloves
present; it is surprising how dangerous they can be.
A protective apron
Defective hand tools and improper usage can be
Special protective clothing