otherwise, they are performed by the activity
Calendar Inspections.--The calendar inspection
that has prime custody of the equipment.
was formerly known as a periodic inspection. On some
of the older support equipment, these inspections are
The MRCs that are available for support equipment
still referred to as periodic inspections.
are listed by publication number and title in the Navy
Stock List of Forms and Publications, NAVSUP
Calendar inspections are overall examinations of
Publication 2002, section VIII, part C, and its
specific equipment. The interval between inspections
depends upon the type of equipment. The intervals may
be in terms of days, weeks, months, hours, starts, and so
Corrective Maintenance
forth, or some combination of these.
Special Inspections.--A special inspection
With the preventive maintenance program
depends upon occurrence of certain circumstances or
presently in effect, the need for corrective maintenance
conditions, or a maintenance action with a prescribed
should be limited to only the corrective actions required
interval occurring more frequently than calendar
by normal wear. However, this is not the case whenever
inspections. Inspections required at intervals (such as
unqualified or careless personnel operate the
10 hours, 30 hours, and 7 days) are usually classified as
equipment. These two factors account for most of the
special inspections. These inspections are done by the
corrective maintenance actions required.
using activity if they are equipped to perform them.
You can do two things that should help solve these
Otherwise, they are done by the activity having prime
problems. First, become very knowledgeable on all the
custody of the equipment.
equipment assigned; second, take advantage of every
NOTE: Support equipment is NEVER transferred
situation where it is possible to teach others in the
in a nonoperational or incomplete status without prior
proper operation and care of the equipment.
approval of the cognizant SECA.
When a malfunction does occur, the trouble must
be located quickly and repairs made. Even a minor
(MRC).--Maintenance requirements cards (MRCs)
malfunction could progress to the point of being a
are provided for each major type of support equipment.
safety hazard to personnel, equipment, and surrounding
These cards provide the minimum requirements
necessary to maintain the subject equipment in a
NOTE: Equipment that has a malfunction should
satisfactory and effective operational readiness
be tagged to indicate the malfunction, and a VIDSMAF
condition. These are 5 by 8 cards arranged by rating and
or NALCOMIS entry should be completed to document
work area to provide the most efficient sequence of
for repair action.
accomplishment. Assembled into sets and numbered in
sequence, the cards contain pertinent information
required by each maintenance person to complete each
performed by a maintenance crew consists mainly of
finding and correcting malfunctions that are found
during operational checks and periodic inspections;
Individual sets of MRCs are prepared for
also, those found during the checking of discrepancies
preoperational and calendar (periodic) inspections.
after a piece of equipment has been used. Some
Preoperational maintenance requirements
troubles may be rather simple and obvious, while others
cards list those requirements necessary to be
may be complex and time-consuming. As you become
performed by the using activity.
familiar with the equipment and its normal operations,
troubleshooting will become easier. Although
Calendar maintenance requirements cards
experience and familiarity with the equipment are
list the responsibilities of the activity that has
necessary, you must also use a systematic, logical
prime custody of the equipment.
approach to isolate troubles.
Special maintenance requirements cards are
You should analyze the information at hand, such
contained in the same set and have the same
as the information obtained from the operational check
number as the preoperational MRCs. The
or the information contained in the operator's
special MRCs are marked as "Special" and are
discrepancy report.
performed by the using activity if so equipped;