maintenance. AS billets are assigned to all aircraft
carriers. AS personnel assigned aboard carriers are
usually attached to the Aircraft Intermediate
types of maintenance applicable to support
Maintenance Department (AIMD).
equipment. Identify inspections applicable to
Interesting overseas shore billets are offered to the
support equipment. Recognize correct proce-
AS. If third class petty officers are married, they may
dures for the removal and reinstallation of
qualify for their dependents to accompany them to
these overseas locations at Government expense.
The key to long-lasting equipment and mission
Shorter duty tours are usually standard procedure at
readiness of support equipment is servicing and
overseas stations where dependents do not accompany
maintenance. Equipment failure easily delays a
the AS.
mission. This is especially true on board an aircraft
Between sea tours, the third class petty officer may
carrier. With limited equipment on board and minimum
be assigned to one of many naval air stations along the
manpower available, every effort must be made to
U.S. coasts. In addition, the Naval Air Maintenance
maintain high availability of support equipment.
Training Group (NAMTRAGRU) has a few naval air
stations located inland where AS personnel may be
assigned. AS personnel assigned to any one of these air
No matter how well the support equipment is cared
stations are also usually attached to AIMDs.
for, maintenance is still required to keep it in the best
Proper selection of assignments throughout your
operating condition. The general maintenance skills
career is necessary for advancement to the senior pay-
and procedures are based on knowledge that is not
grades. Selection boards look for well-rounded individ-
contained in equipment manuals. These skills must be
uals that have performed in an exemplary manner in a
learned during on-the-job training.
variety of assignments, such as sea, shore, and overseas
The maintenance performed on the equipment falls
assignments. These positions include, but are not
into two broad categories: (1) actions taken to reduce or
limited to, work center supervisor, leading petty officer
eliminate failure and prolong the useful life of the
(LPO), quality assurance representative (QAR), etc.
equipment, and (2) actions taken when a part or
Although the AS community is small, it contributes
component has failed and the equipment is out of
to accomplishing the Navy's mission. The aircraft could
service. Therefore, the types of maintenance can be
not function without the equipment, expertise, and
considered to be preventive maintenance (scheduled
motivation of the AS technician. Without the assistance
maintenance) and corrective maintenance (unsched-
of the AS, the Navy's mission would be jeopardized.
uled maintenance).
Your job as an AS will range from simple tasks,
Preventive Maintenance Inspections (PM)
such as changing oil in a tow tractor, to complex and
difficult ones, such as isolating and repairing a defect
In operation, support equipment is subjected to a
on a gas turbine compressor. No job is too small; every
variety of stresses, strains, and environments. If the
task you perform helps the overall mission of the Navy.
equipment does not have the proper preventive
Q1-5. AS personnel assigned aboard carriers are
maintenance, the equipment soon does not work. The
usually attached to what department?
equipment also needs to be inspected regularly, making
sure any problems are corrected.
When equipment comes into the work center for
inspection, it should be cleaned to ease the inspection.
Cleaning electrical components consists of removing
dust, grease, or other foreign matter from covers,
Q1-6. Where are shorter duty tours usually standard
chassis, and operating parts. The method used to clean
different parts and units may vary, but usually a vacuum
cleaner works to remove loose dust and foreign matter.
Unaccompanied overseas
To remove grease or other petroleum deposits, use a
Aircraft carrier
cloth moistened with dry-cleaning solvent. After