COD aircraft will depart straight ahead unless otherwise
directed and maintain 1,000 feet until 12 nm.
Rendezvous Procedures
Different rendezvous are dictated based on the case departure used.
Case I Jet and turboprop aircraft must rendezvous by following air wing
Case II or III Jet and turboprop aircraft must rendezvous between 20 and 50
miles from the ship on the left side of the departure radial at a pre-briefed
The recovery phase of carrier operations is fast-paced and challenging. Inbound aircraft
must wait for aircraft to launch from the ship and for the ship's deck to become ready
before they can land. Time and aircraft fuel states become very important. However, the
whole recovery evolution is a smoothly synchronized event that is accomplished
effectively by the various divisions on a ship.
Marshal Procedures
Aircraft inbound to a carrier will call CATCC directly, or CATCC will receive a handoff
from another agency such as CDC/CIC. Then, depending on the case of recovery,
aircraft will either proceed directly to the ship or be given marshal instructions. The
marshal controller will provide pertinent recovery information to inbound aircraft and
establish the initial sequencing and separation of aircraft.
Transfer of Flights to Marshal Control (Case II and III)
During Case II and III recovery operations, inbound flights that enter the carrier control
area (50-mile radius) are normally turned over to marshal control for further clearance to
the marshal pattern. Positive RADAR identification should be accomplished by the
marshal controller before the transfer of control. Control may be transferred only after
the marshal controller has notified the transferring controller that positive RADAR
contact exists. Transient helicopters approaching the carrier for landing must contact
marshal control when they are at least 25 miles out.
During Case II and III recovery operations, aircraft that were unable to check in with the
strike, mission, or marshal control because of communications difficulties should
proceed inbound to the emergency marshal at the briefed holding altitude.