Departure Procedures
Table 11-10 lists the departure procedures used in each case of departure.
Case I
After a clearing turn,
Same as jet
Depart as directed by
proceed straight ahead
the tower
paralleling the BRC at
500 feet until 7 nm.
Then, cleared to climb
unrestricted in VMC
Case II
After a clearing turn,
After a clearing turn,
Depart as directed by
proceed straight ahead
parallel the BRC at 500
the tower
at 500 feet paralleling
feet. At 6 nm, turn to
the BRC. At 7 nm, turn
intercept the 7-nm arc
to intercept the 10-nm
maintaining VMC until
arc and maintain VMC
established on the
until established on the
departure radial.
departure radial. If the
Maintain 500 feet until
aircraft can maintain
12 nm on the departure
VMC, the 500-foot
restriction is lifted after
7 nm. Jets must
maintain 300 knots until
VMC on top.
Case III
Climb straight ahead
Climb straight ahead to
Whenever possible,
accelerating at 300
1,000 feet accelerating
helicopters shall be
knots crossing 5 nm at
to 250 knots after
maintained as a flight
1,500 feet or above. At
beneath the clouds. If
7 nm, execute a turn to
turn to intercept the 7-
unable, they shall
fly the 10-nm arc until
nm arc and arc to
proceed straight ahead
intercepting the
intercept the departure
to prebriefed departure
departure radial.
radial. Maintain 1,000
fixes, climbing to
feet until 12 nm on the
between 200-300 feet
departure radial.
(unaided), 150-300 feet
(NVD aided), or as
assigned by CATCC,
and arc within 3 miles
to intercept the
assigned departure
Table 11-10 -- Departure procedures